Thanks to Giovanna

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"Yeah, send the paperworks to my mansion in the morning and cancel all my appointments for the next two days." I heard Oliver's voice from the back.

He was soon standing next to me and gazing at the sky too.

"I used to do this with mum. She always brought me up to the rooftop to see the stars." Oliver spoke as he messed up his hair from its neat backcomb.

I looked at him and smiled.

"What is wrong? You seem quiet." Oliver cupped my face .

I stared at him in shock, bringing up my hands to his hands. I pulled them away from my face and holded them.

We were facing each other with our hands holding each other. Oliver's eyes locked with mine and I realised that his blue eyes were intriguing than the sky or the stars.

It was a pool of blue sky surrounding a small black pool of desire.

"Its our wedding night." He whispered.

Oh yes, its indeed our wedding night.

"What you wanna do ?" He asked smirking at me.

I stared into Oliver's face ,more intensely now. What is that supposed to mean?

"Hey, relax. Im not going to do anything to you. You seem so tensed. "Oliver chuckled.

"I mean we cant really do what other couples do on their wedding night. Because I know you dont you know..." He muttered something under his breath inaudibly.

Not sure if I was tensed previously but as soon as I heard his last sentence, I tensed up. Oliver seemed a bit restless too, he kept up ruffling his hair for the next 10 minutes as he paced around the room,thinking deeply about something.

He walked to his closet and went for a quick shower.

Meanwhile, I stared at the pile of gifts near the mirror. It was all the wedding gifts we received.

I think we can use the wedding night to open them up.

The idea of opening the gift made me feel like it was Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, I have spent the last 5 years of my life celebrating Christmas alone with no gifts unless I decide to treat myself to something.

So it was obvious why I was so hyped up over these wedding gifts.

The bathroom door opened revealing Oliver in his berms and wet hair.

What a sight.

His dark brown hair was down with all the moisture merging the strands of hair together.

His abs were so toned and under the brown cozy light in the room, they seemed more toned.

I was drooling internally at that Oliver. Damn, if only we had a real wedding night,I would have used every moment of it so wisely.

"Like what you see?" Oliver snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes. I mean no. No I dont like." I stammered as I blushed furiously.

Oliver threw his head back laughing at me. It took him a while to calm down.

"How long have you been admiring me?" He gave me his signature smirk.

"Oliver stop being so self-absorbed. I was not admiring you. Im going to sleep . Bye." I retorted.

"Natalie,dont be silly. I was joking,alright? Lets spend this night unwrapping all these gifts here?" He pointed to pile of gifts.

I jumped off his bed and ran to grab all the presents.

"Whoa, be careful. Why must you take all at once?" Oliver reprimanded.

I didnt bother listening and started tearing the wrapping paper off the first present.

Both Oliver and I stared in shock at each other as the gifts from the very first box were shown.

Its was a lacy lingerie set and a box condoms.

Seriously what the fish.

Then, it dawned upon me that this was from Giovanna. I remember her talking about the wedding night and passing this gift to me during the Bachelorette day.

Shouldnt I have checked who gave this before opening?

"Im guessing this is the gift Gi gave you or us." Oliver spoke first.

I nodded my head,unable to speak.

Oliver pressed his temples, thinking deeply.

"We will use them when the time comes." He said shoving the items to the side.

"When will the time come ?" I blurted the thought in my head again.

Well done Nat, you have screwed up for the second time in this day itself.

"Hmmm... when my wife tells me that she is ready to burn the contract and be my real wife." Oliver responded.

Mrs Oliver Jarvis Anderson [Wattys 2015]Where stories live. Discover now