Typos are not so bad, actually

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From : OliverJAnderson@gmail.com
To : NatalieDovers23@gmail.com
RE : Business Trip to Sweden
Mdm Natalie Dovers,
Good morning. Anderson International thanks you for accepting our request to be the Head of Design in Trinasérs.
Regarding the first project  with Derecia Cosmetics you are working on,you will be required to attend a 7 day conference cum board meeting with the Organisers and the Sponsor of  the event. Your flight to Sweden is booked on 27th February 2015 in Business Class. Full costs of the trip will be managed by Anderson International.

Anderson International wishes you good luck on your new endeavour.
On the side note, Nat, are you free on the 23rd Feb till 25th feb for a small getaway? Dont worry about applying leaves or work datelines. I can take care of them. Cause Im the boss. Let me know soon.
Thank you.
Oliver Jarvis Anderson
CEO,Anderson International

I have to admit how impressed I was at Oliver's professional demeanor till the last paragraph in bold came.
Seriously, Oliver? Why must you even tell this in an formal email? Why cant you take that iPhone 6 of yours and text me instead?

That was the rant going on in my head while I was trying to come up with a professional reply Oliver's email.

Multitasking. Maybe multitasking that went wrong cause I was more engrossed in ranting than forming a reply.

After 28 minutes of constant struggle to get my mind to focus on replying Oliver's email professionally, I sent a formal reply with no indication having read Oliver's bold message. He needs to learn to distinguish between his employee and wife.

I might be his wife but I need to abide by the company's rule and behave ethically. Looks like Oliver will break all rules in a matter of 3 more days.

Now you understand why I never let him reveal to anyone that Im his wife.

"What about our trip? Do you want me to confirm the dates? - Oliver"

I saw a text message from Oliver.

"Olive, we can talk at home or maybe in the car later okay? - Natalie" I replied.


I saw Oliver's capslocked text. I scrolled up to see where "olive" came from..

Oops, it was a typo. Ugh,of all the things to type wrongly, I had to type Oliver's name wrong.

I guess he is mad.

Firstly, I brush off his idea to go on a trip. Secondly, I spell his name wrongly by accident.

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

"Sorry sorry, it was a typo. Im serious. I wouldnt give you such names. Oliver, dont be mad.-Natalie" I texted him back real quick,making sure I made no typos this time.

10 minutes but gone no reply from Oliver.

Wow,dont tell me a funny nickname pissed him off so much.

He isnt a 10 year old.
"Oliver, I said Im sorry. Please reply. Love you xx- Natalie" I texted sounding like a sweet wife.

40 minutes gone and I have no reply from him.

I was trying to focus on signing the contracts which will be commencing next year and completing some paperwork but my mind wasnt at ease. My mind kept on playing an image of an extremely pissed off Oliver. Like the cold devil he used to be.

Mrs Oliver Jarvis Anderson [Wattys 2015]Where stories live. Discover now