Forgetting to eat

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I just kneeled down to the ground and started weeping. It hurt so much. His reaction was one I didnt expect. How could he just walk away ?
I hugged my stomach as if I was hugging the foetus, trying to get support from the unborn child.
"Natalie!!" Noah barged into the office.
"I saw Oliver goin- ...Oh god,Pull yourself together, Nat. You shouldnt be getting emotional now. Its a crucial period." Noah brought me to the couch.
"Oliver left." I barely whispered as sorrow was suffocating me.
"I know. Its typical of Oliver to walk away from commitments. But trust me, one day he will realise that its wrong and what he is missing out." Noah consoled me.
"I cant believe Oliver did this. He isnt such a coward,is he?" I asked.
"Natalie, go back home and talk to Oliver about this. You two will have to talk it out. Its another living thing we are talking about not a business deal. Let Oliver understand everything about parenthood." Noah passed me a cup of coffee.
"Just talk to him as soon as possible. And I will talk to him also."
I nodded and went to my table to resume my work.
Noah stayed around till he felt that I was quite emotionally stable and left for his office later.
After work,I took a cab back home because I was sure Oliver would not be fetching me. Lethargy had taken over me, I was just waiting for the moment I can rest after a totally dramatic and hectic day. Maybe after talking to Oliver, I should take some food and call it a day.
I saw the hall being lit up and also saw  the office room being lit as well. That was enough to show that Oliver was home. I dropped my handbag onto the sofa and as if on cue, Oliver came down the stairs wearing his plain slim fit white shirt and bermudas.
This is it. I will have to confront Oliver.
"Oliver... we need to talk." I hesitated a bit. It was obvious that he wasnt in the best mood.
"Talk." He said.
"You know, Im pregnant. We are going to be parents. And I really want you to be with me during this whole time. I want us to cherish all these moments together. I want you to be a part of everything that concerns our child." I went to him and held his right hand tightly.
"Then what about what I want, Natalie?" Oliver frowned and forced his hand out of my grip.

Now I knew all these soft talk isnt going to work with Oliver. He seems too stubborn to listen to what Im trying to say.

"Its your responsibilty too, Oliver. You are the father. I want this child. Even if it means you and I going separate wa-" I stopped halfway as my vision got blur. I placed one one of my hands on my temple and sought support from Oliver who was standing right infront of me.

"You alright?" Oliver clasped my arm.

"No I just feel dizzy. Like blurry." I leaned onto Oliver.
Oliver brought me to nearest couch in the living room.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked getting me a glass of water.
"Around 1." I drank some water and rested my head on the armrest of the couch.

Oliver went to the kitchen and soon came back with peanut butter sandwiches.
"Peanut butter is a good source of energy so just have some while I get something for you to eat." Oliver help me sit up.

He sat beside with me as I was nibbling through the sandwiches.

"I dont feel like eating anymore." I gave back Oliver the plate.
"Just eat two more slices. You are eating for two,Nat." Oliver passed me one of the breads.

Somehow Oliver calling me "Nat" instead of "Natalie" made me feel so much more better.

The house phone started ring all of a sudden and Oliver volunteered to answer it while I ate.
As soon as he pressed the "answer" button, I could hear Giovanna's joyful squealing on the other end.
Oliver moved the phone from his ear the moment he heard her voice.

"God,this woman." He muttered as he waited for her to calm down.

I couldnt help but giggle at this.

"Hello?? Oliver?" Giovanna asked loudly as she realised that no one was responding her.

"Yes." Oliver said.

"I heard Im going to be an aunt. OH MY GOD. Why didnt you guys tell me earlier? Do you know how excited I am? Even Sarah is excited for her new little cousin. And congratulations to you brotha. Finally, I can see you as a dad." Giovanna was jumping in joy.

"Gee, you should stop getting so over excited. Every woman gets pregnant." Oliver spoke still covering his ears. The look of boyish annoyance on his face was just so funny. A smile had appeared on my face.

"Who would have expected the wife of Oliver Jarvis Anderson to get pregnant?? And speaking of your wife, can I speak to Natalie?" Giovanna laughed.

"Hmmm.... she is not exactly feeling well now. So try calling her tomorrow. Got to go, Gee. Bye." Oliver ended the call with Giovanna.

He was about to say something when his handphone started ringing from the office room.
"I need to get that." He said rushing up.
I tried waiting a bit more for him to discuss the issure before I decided it was time to sleep and went to the bedroom instead of waiting for Oliver.

Right now, I wasnt even sure if Oliver was going to accept his responsibilty as a father or was he going brush it off. Its so confusing. One moment he is seething with anger and the next he is the sweetest person.

The moment my head touched the pillow, sleep overtook all the worries and questions... bringing me to dreamland as one my hand hugged my womb area. Feeling excited about the little human being growing in me.
"Natalie, I dont know how to say this. But Im sorry for walking out on you. I never expected myself to just commit to one person but I am. But Im still learning to be a good husband and when suddenly you tell me about us having a child... it just,you know, this news caught me off guard. Im lost. I dont know what to do. But something tells me that if you were able to make me stay and commit to being a proper husband, our child will also be able to make me into a proper father. During this whole time, I need to you to be with me as much as you need me to be with you. Remember, I love you and I will never want to live a life without you. And I will try to be a good father to our child."
I felt a kiss on my cheek. My eyes fluttered open thinking that I had been dreaming.
But I was proved wrong when I felt Oliver climb up to the other side of our bed and put the blanket on me.
With that,I pulled the blanket closer and drifted back to sleep with a huge smile on my face. Finally, Oliver seems to have shown the green flag to having a family. I cant wait to spend the coming days with him as we wait for our little one.

A/N :
Yay!! So Oliver seems to have agreed to having a child. LIKE I FEEL SO HAPPY.
Natalie was on the verge of leaving Oliver of he didnt accept.
And it seems like even Giovanna is just damn excited.
But what will the future bring?


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