His past

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"What..?" Tao muttered, tears filling his eyes. It was such a hard concept to grasp. The fact that Leon was a murderer... it couldn't be the truth. They were lying, there was no way that could be true.

"Oh... you don't believe us, do you?" Emberly whined. Zac clenched his fist.

"Like hell we do! Why would we believe you all? You're murderers! Sadists, people filled with insanity and nonsense. It would make sense for you to lie about something like this. If I had no self control, you would already be on the ground with a bloody nose," He barked.

"Oh, but this is the truth! If you want to I can prove it. In fact, I may as well. You need to know everything about him. Otherwise, he's just a man of mystery," Bleicher exclaimed. With that, he took off his blindfold and a pink pair of eyes shone through the darkness. It was dim but it gave off enough light to see Bleicher clearly. He made eye contact with Leon and hummed with satisfaction. In the blink of an eye, a grown woman with brown hair and brown eyes was standing in the same place Bleicher was just standing. Mr. H. Bleicher was nowhere to be seen in the area. Leon stared at the woman with a surprised look on his face. It was like he knew the woman.

"In the beginning, there was a young boy named Leon," the woman began. Her voice was calm but her tone was firm. "He was the second oldest of four children. Times were tough for the mother as the father had 'left for war'. At least that's what she told her dear children. Whatever happened is to your imagination. Anywho, Leon was the least favourite child. He did whatever he could to get praise from his dear mother. Oh, to have an idea of what the mother looked like, that is me. This appearance I currently have is Leon's mother,"

"Stop... please..." Leon whimpered, he had his hands over his head and he was curled up in a ball and he was attempting to cover his ears, his eye shut tight.

"Why stop now? It's only just getting interesting dear," the woman hummed, forcing Leon to look at her by forcing his chin up with her thumb and index finger.

"You only wanted the attention your siblings got. Doing all the jobs around the house, doing pieces of art and hanging them on the fridge yourself. Whatever you did was in vain. It was useless. You always told your mother you loved her. I know what pains you inside. The fact she never said it back. No matter how many times you said it. How ungrateful, you were keeping the family stable by doing not only your chores but your siblings too. Such a shame," She continued. She said it all with a smile on her face. That disgusted the other three.

"So Leon killed his mother?" Tao questioned. He had a frown on his face and it seemed as if he were upset with the murderers, the woman and Leon.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no! This is all just sort of explaining something. After all, it's better to know everything about him. He's been shrouded in mystery for so long! It makes sense to reveal everything now. Like they say, better now or never," the woman said, morphing into someone else. A boy with blonde hair and dark eyes appeared with a smile on his face. He wore a black t-shirt and shorts. He had a plaster on his cheek, a bloody nose and bruises on his arms. In fact, bruises were scattered all over his body.

"You all don't recognise this person, so I'll fill it in for you. This is Leon before his change in appearance. This was when he was... fourteen or so? Three years before you met him?" the young boy laughed. They all looked in disbelief. The fact that Leon went from a teenage boy to a moody man in his adult years was a shocking change to say the least.

"Life at school wasn't any different. He and his siblings went to the same school with each other and they showed everyone that he was just a big push-over! They all got him to do their homework, they told him to clean their plates at lunch, the work he had was immense! He really did become burnt out in the end. If he didn't do their work, then... well, the bruises and bloody nose explain it," the boy continued.

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