The final fight

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Was Leon in the afterlife? He didn't feel any pain. There was just silence. It was surprising. He couldn't hear Tao's screaming, the murderers' cackling, it was silent. So where was the pain? Leon opened his eyes and he saw the unexpected. Blood on a blue jacket. It took him a moment to realise but when he did, he could only mutter one thing:

"Tao? What did you do?"

Tao's legs started shaking and he held the wound in his side, chuckling lightly. He got to his knees, trying his best to stay balanced. Leon was quick to help him get back up.

"Why did you do that? You should have just let me take the shot! Why would you do something so reckless?" Leon questioned him, tears building up in his eyes. Tao smiled at him. He just said:


Leon had no idea what Tao said, but before he could ask what it meant, Tao placed a book into Leon's hoodie pocket before being dragged away by Marley who ran out of the room.

"Well would you look at that? Tao sacrificed himself for Leon, how exciting! Now I'll have to shoot again. What a waste of a bullet," Bleicher sighed. Before he could do anything else, Leon pounced onto him, punching Bleicher in the face.

"You pillock. You absolute pillock! I'll get revenge. I'll avenge Tao if it costs me my life!" Leon yelled. Bleicher was quick to fight back, he kicked Leon off and elbowed Leon in his stomach. Bleicher picked his gun up and aimed at Leon, but Leon was quick to get out of the way. He ran to a corner and reached into his hoodie pocket. It was the notebook Tao was using to translate the morse code. He opened it up to the back page and there it was. The secret message.


Marley ran through the school with Tao in his arms. He had to get out quickly and find a hospital, they couldn't lose Tao. Not yet. He was stumbling and tripping every now and then on the odd piece of ceiling here and there. He never fell though and continued running. Once he was outside, police cars pulled up. They were quick to assume Marley was a murderer.

"No, no! I'm not a murderer! I'm Marley McShaw, one of the four survivors! I'm holding Tao Kato, he has been severly injured, he was shot in the side!" Marley yelled. The police relaxed slightly and got out of their cars. One police officer took Tao away from Marley and called paramedics while some others asked him where the others were. Marley was quick to lead them to the gym. On the way, they said that he was a hero and a role model to a lot of people. Marley didn't believe it though. They were just saying that because that's the only thing they say to survivors of tragic events. In the gym was a shocking sight.

Zac was pinned down by Lucy, avoiding any attacks he could while trying to fight back, Emberly and Bleicher were injured and Leon had climbed onto Lunar's back with a knife in hand. Police thought Leon was a murderer but Marley quickly told them that he was another survivor.

"Leon, what are you doing?" Marley shouted. Everyone stopped and looked at him except for Leon. He saw that Lunar stopped struggling and cut the back of her neck open. She shrieked in pain and the fact that Leon was sticking his fingers into the open wound didn't help.

"The secret message Tao was decoding! This is what he found out," Leon replied, holding up a small piece of technology. Everyone stared in shock.

"Oi, oi! Get off me Leon!" Lunar screamed while kicking Leon off. She felt the back of her neck and looked around.

"Sorry, uh, what's happening?" she asked.

"Oh, Lunar, have you suddenly got amnesia? We're trying to win this battle!" Lucy explained.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" Lunar asked, clearly confused. "Why am I not in the lab?" At this point, everyone was confused.

"What lab, Lunar?" Marley asked.

"The lab mother and father sent me to. They said it was a good place, but it really wasn't. They just wanted money out of it. How come I'm at school? Why is it so dark and why does it smell of ashes?" Lunar asked. Everyone looked in shock.

"This is what the secret message said: In the back of the moon's neck, there is a chip making her do things she doesn't want to do. All because she didn't obey their orders. I can only presume that the lab put that chip in Lunar's neck so that she would be her worst fear. Purely because she didn't do what they asked," Leon deduced. Lunar looked dumbfounded. By this time, she had a slight idea of what she had done. She hated it, she hated it so much.

It explained a lot. Things were solved. The police arrested the murderers (including Lunar, but it would be a while for them to determine whether she was truly guilty or not. Evidence would have to be found to prove that she really did what she did). Tao was in the hospital recovering from his wound and the survivors exited the school, never to see it again.

A couple of months later

"Alright, I'll see you some other time guys!" Leon waved goodbye to Marley and Zac and walked off. In the village. He sighed lightly and went over to the graveyard, flowers in his hand. It was a nice day, a beautiful one at that. The graveyard was fairly quiet that day, considering it was usually having a funeral or a lot of people were visiting the graves. He went over to a group of gravestones to see another person there wearing a hoodie. Leon walked up to the person.

"Why hello there Mr. Kato," he chuckled. Tao looked up at him with a slight smile,"

"Hello Mr.Austin," Tao greeted. Leon looked down at the graves to see the names of their classmates. Sayori, Rita, Harvey and Hiro. Leon placed the flowers down on their graves and had a moment of silence for them. He and Tao sat in silence for a while, just showing the deceased the respect they deserved.

"Alright, let's go now. Sayori would hate the gloomy aura here," Tao chuckled. Leon agreed, saying they all would. So Leon and Tao went home together, having a chat, holding hands and arranging a day for them to hang out in a more than platonic way. Perhaps Leon knew part of the phrase Tao said in Japanese.

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