Panicked Moments

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Reason of the long wait... two votes were even the whole freaking time. so finally just chose this one so this could continue

What does one do when the wake elsewhere in someone else's body.


Scream at the heavens.

Run around like a chicken with no head.

Scream and cry.


Curl up in a ball wanting it to be a horrible dream...

Nightmare did all of these things.

By the time he came out of his panic, the sun of the next day was rising and he was exhausted.

"Wait... I can't be Ink, I don't have Broomie!" he finally said, holding up his empty hands to show he didn't have said magical brush of the creator.


"Funk you and the horse you rode in on," Nightmare snarled at whatever higher power was screwing with him, as the brush poofed into existence in his hands.

"Is... Ink in this body also?" he finally asked, even if he wasn't in his own body he didn't want to share a body

So he checked himself.

Ink Sans

You are the Creator of this multiverse.

No your really Ink now.

Only one in Body.

Now he knew someone was screwing with him.

Day one of your new job

Screw that... Portals back to his multivesre

Lets do the time warp agaiiin... timeskip!

Denile denile... trips in a river

A Skeleton meets a Hedgehog

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