Lets... Blame Fate

155 10 15

"Fate... what are you doing?" Destiny asked, looking at there counterpart which was holding a voodoo foll of Nightmare.

"Freaking Nightmare, getting in the way of my Shipping," Fate said trying to set more bad luck on the monsters path.

"Wait... He was trying to break up our trinity!" Destiny screeched in horror.

"Yup," Fate responded.

"This means war!" Destiny shouted like the fan girl she was, she grabbed the voodoo doll and threw in into a time portal.

"Oh oh!" Fate said wide eyed

"What?" Destiny asked annoyed.

"I tied a lot of magic into that, which means you just threw NootNoot through time," Fate replied.

"Shoot, can I get a redo?" Destiny asked Time.

Time vanished laughing.

"Oh Crab apples... where is going to land anywhere?" Fate said trying to find the time location.

Nightmare end up in at the Start

What do you mean I jumped Multiverses not just time?

Let another writer on Discord choose the place

Suggest something

NootNoot becomes.. le gasp.. Ink boi

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