Insert Blue Here...

365 18 22

Yeah... usually i only follow some votes, but chaos... your asking on discord i couldn't resist

"Is that Firewood?"a voice asked, the twins turned startled to see Blue standing there poking the tree with a stick.

"Nooo... Leave mother alone!" Dream cried, and tried to get the hyper 4th wall breaking Sans away from the tree of feelings remains.

"Wait... your mother is a dead log?" Blue asked bewildered.

"Its whats left of the tree of Feelings," Nightmare told him, having escaped the magical ropes as... Dream fondled the tree like it was a person.

"um...." Blue said looking at the insane Dream.

"Don't worry I'll take care of this," Nightmare smirked, holding up the ropes.

"Brother! Noooooo!" Dream wailed twenty minutes later, he was tied up and the warden of an asylumtale was dragging him off.

Nightmare leaves

Gives the tree a funeral

Passive form!

Blue... join the dark side!

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