Kidnapped Octopus

414 18 7

The sky was black and dismal, and rain was coming down like the wrath of god.

A perfect day to stay inside.

"Dream... why are you kidnapping me?" Nightmare asked, the goopie skeleton was tried up in glowing ropes and Dream was somehow holding him over his shoulder.

"Family reunion not kidnapping," Dream said proudly, in heavy yellow rubber boots and a yellow rain jacket.

"Dream... your the only relative I have?" Nightmare asked confused.

Suddenly Dream walked through a portal.

"We have mother!" Dream said happily putting Nightmare down by the tree of feelings.

The dead tree of feelings.

"..." Nightmare said "Dream... mother was Dead even before I ate the apples."

"I'm sure a little water will fix it up," Dream said.

The tree fell over.

Very Dead.

The bad Sanses appear!

Error Appears

Blue Appears

Nightmare escapes

Nightmare escapes and ties Dream up instead

Dream dragged off to the asylum

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