Goopy Ink

171 13 31

"Gahhh!!!!!" Nootnoot.. er... Nightmare screamed as he fell.

He'd opened a portal after the little death, but instead of landing at home he was falling in between.

After a point he stopped screaming in terror, kinda got boring when the falling never ended.

"Heya Bud!" a voice said cheerfully.

"Epic?" he said in surprise, the rather strange Sans was in a position as if he as ona couch eating cookies.

"What cha doing?" Epic asked.

"Falling apparently," Nightmare responded.

"Cool, well I'm out," Epic said, and vanished with the scent of Epicness.

Then the portal ended.

Nightmare passed out as he fell into a lake.


Ink paused.

"I sense a disturbance in the force," he said.

Then went back to trying to playing the Sims, where he was trying to win over another sim he;d created to look like Error.

"Wait... where did the Reaper Sim come from, I didn't create them!" he said surprised.

Then a Blue Sim appeared... smiling.

At that point Inks computer exploded.


"Ow..." Nightmare said.

Shouldn't he be drowning... as he'd ended in a lake?

Opening his eyelights, he found himself on the shore of said lake.

He rubbed his eyes then paused, that was not his hand, he shot to his feet and ran to look at his reflection in the lake.

"Aw come on!" Nightmare said angrily.

Inks face looked back.

Insert Panic here

Oh Look Your in the Past

In the Past.. but a new multiverse!

Tries to Portal home.. but ends in the anti-void

Gets sidetracked by Cats

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