Stage Parents

614 33 52

A/N: This was born from a HC in discord and I had to write it.


Japan, Tokyo 09:30


"Okay, we're rolling," The cameraman said.

"Oh, are we recording?" The overweight dance instructor fiddled with his mic, with his overlarge gloved hands. "I'm so sorry, my mic—"

The name Koro-sensei: Dance instructor appeared at the side.

"It's fine," the presenter said off-camera. "Sato, can you...?"

"Sure." The production assistant quickly adjusted the dance instructor's mic by clipping it to his short tie.

"I'm so sorry!" His pale peachy skin flushed pink, and his small nose on his strangely round head nearly fell off. "Oh, my nose! Sorry."

"Is it okay?" Sato asked, smiling.

"Yes, thank you!" Koro-sensei replied as the woman left. "Can we cut the beginning?"

"Yes, that's fine." The presenter shuffled his cards. "Okay, let's just start from the top alright?"

Koro-sensei nodded quickly. "Yes, of course!!"

"Okay....okay let's go." The presenter smiled.

Koro-sensei cleared his throat. "I'm Koro-sensei the director of the dance studio— damn it." His nose and brown wig fell off.

"For God's sake..." A cameraman at the back muttered.

"I'm sorry, I have a condition!" Koro-sensei cried.

"Cut!" The presenter yelled. "Please can we retake that...?"


A large dance studio was shown with ten children aged seven to eight dressed in dance gear, with some of the boys in t-shirts.

Nakamura, Kayano, and Kanzaki were stretching near the corner while Karma and Gakushuu were fighting to use a dance bar on the side even though there was plenty of room. Terasaka was flexing his developing muscles while Hazama was recording on her phone.

While the parents were gathered in the viewing area that was separated by glass.

"You know, I've been coming here for...four years?" Hazama's mother, Emica, voiced over. "It's a family really, you have your good days..." The screen shifted to Hazama's mother fiddling with her hair while a little Hazama was sat next to her in the confession room. "And your bad ones. You know? You just take it as it comes."

"And, drink lots of wine when you get home," Hazama said dryly.

Her mom gave a choked laughed. "O-oh, honey." She ruffled her daughter's hair hard. "We...we don't do that."

Back on the dance floor, Gakushuu and Karma had started fighting, hitting each other.

"Boys, that's enough!" Mr Asano snapped, separating the two.

"Some of us are more involved than other parents," Mr Asano, Gakushuu's dad said in a voice-over. "Karma's parents for example, just drop him off. They're not really involved."

Karma yelled when Terasaka's dad, Haruto, had to lift him up while he was kicking and screaming.

"So it's very much a team effort," Mr Asano said pleasantly while in the confession room with a little Gakushuu by his side completing homework. "Which is needed, since we live very busy lives. I for one run a school so I'm constantly busy, so I completely understand that not everyone can be as organised and proactive as myself."

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