The kidnapping...for a second time

207 13 9

Tokyo, 12:45


"SHE KIDNAPPED THE CHILDREN!" Hiromi screamed, clutching her head in horror.

The rest of the parents dissolved into a panic.

"The children were gone!" Mrs Hazama was panicked. "It was everyone's worst nightmare! We didn't know where the kids were or if they were alive."

"What if ice cream is slang for drugs?" Hiromi choked.

"Or worse it's actual ice cream." Mr Asano grimaced. "That will completely derail Gakushuu's diet."

"Just think of the calories!" Mrs Hazama was sobbing. "SHE'S POISONING OUR CHILDREN!"

"Alright, everyone calm down." Karasuma tried to speak.

"How are we supposed to calm down?" Hiromi snapped indigently. "Our children have been kidnapped by a murderer!"

"She was proven innocent." Koro-sensei tried to interject.

"I swear, if something happens to my Yukiko, I'll take you to court!" Mr Kanzaki looked livid.

A lot of the parents chorused in agreement.

Koro-sensei was sweating in the background.

"I can't handle another court case!" Koro-sensei was sobbing. "I can barely survive on the salary I have now!"

"...Is that why there were claims, from an anonymous source called Shiro, that you were reported for eating out of the supermarket trash bins yesterday?"

"Ah!" Koro-sensei looked embarrassed. "IT'S ALL SLANDER!"


"Okay, you little runts, pick what you want." Irina was in front of the ice counter with Hazama, Kanzaki, Nagisa, Kayano, Nakamura, and Terasaka all pressing their faces to the glass of the counter.

The ice-cream parlour was bright and colourful, with tv-screens along the wall showing different children's cartoons with bunnies, and a ball pit near the far corner.

"Can we have anything!?" Nakamura was giddy.

Irina smirked, flashing Karasuma's credit card. "You bet!"

"YAY!" The children cheered.

Irina looked smug.

"See, all these parents think looking after kids is a special skill," Irina said in the confessional room. "But the truth is, looking after the little brats is easy, you just have to not be so uptight all the time."

Back in the ice-cream parlour, Nagisa tugged on Irina's leggings while the woman was paying. "Ms Jelavic, you left Karma and Asano in the trunk."

Irina froze while paying for the ice cream. "Oh, shit!"

She rushed out of the ice-cream parlour and then ran towards her car, while the kids watched from the entranceway of the ice-cream parlour.

Irina swore under her breath as she opened the trunk, causing Karma and Asano to spill out, looking half dead.

Back in the confessional room, Irina crossed her arms. "What? Everyone forgets their kids in the car." She shrugged. "My ballet teacher once forgot about me for a week in a cave and I turned out fine!"

"...What?" The producer sounded confused.


Meanwhile, at the dance studio, all the parents were panicking, except Mr Asano who was missing.

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