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There was noise in the background like someone was wresting a mic from someone.

"Give me that!"

"Hey! Who are you!?"

There was a thud like someone had been hit over the head.

Then a remixed version of the music played.

"PREVIOUSLY ON SHIRO'S DANCE ACADEMY!" Takaoka's cheery voice.

"Someone call the police!" The voice of the producer came from the background.



Tokyo, 08:00

"Today is the start of a new era," Shiro was very cheerful as he was in his very fancy office in the studio.

Mr Asano came in with his son behind him, and then instantly had to grab the boy's hand when he made a move towards the dessert table across the room. "Can someone remove the desserts?!"

"Naturally the parents chose the best teacher for their children," Shiro said smugly.

Mr Kanzaki and Mrs Nakamura came in with Yukiko and Rio trailing behind. They headed to the table where the coffee was; Mr Asano was already standing there drinking a coffee while Gakushuu miserably stood by his side eating a carrot.

Nagisa was dragged into the studio by his mother. "But, mom, why do we have to change dance studios?"

"Quiet, sweetie," Hiromi hissed, going through the automatic doors; the rest of the parents and kids (except for Karma, Kayano, and Ms Yukimura) were already there. "Mommy just wants you to be taught by the best of the best, and this nice Shiro man is much better than Koro-sensei."

Nagisa frowned, looking around the studio warily. "But—"

"Don't squabble, dear," his mother chided through a tight smile, coming over to the other parents. "So, I take it everyone else realised they were making the right decision as well?"

Mrs Nakamura smiled warily. "Well, I'm just here to see how it goes, I mean Koro-sensei was still good..."

"But, not the best." Mr Asano quipped, walking over with Gakushuu in tow. "And if we aren't paying for the best, we're just wasting our time."

"I have to agree." Mr Kanzaki sighed, brushing his daughter's hair while the girl was sitting on the floor with a frown on her face, Rio sharing the same look with her friend. "It's what's best for the kids."

The kids they were speaking of all exchanged an irritated glare.

"I don't like Mr Shiro, I want to go back to Koro-sensei," Rio told the film crew stubbornly while sitting with Kanzaki in the confession room.

"I miss the old studio," Kanzaki mumbled. "Mr Shiro seems creepy!

"Now come on girls," Takoaka said from behind the camera, giving a forced laugh. "That's not very nice –"

Rio glared at him. "I don't care, you're creepy too! I want Mr Karasuma back!"

Takaoka's light laugh stopped, voice darkening. "Listen you little—"

Rio got out of her seat and threw a dance shoe at him. "Creep!"


Rio grabbed Kanzaki's hand and ran off as the camera toppled over.

Koro-sensei's Dance AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now