The Competition

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A/N: This will probs be a fic I add chapters to every now and then when inspirations hits.



Japan, Tokyo 05:30


Karasuma had a coffee in his hand as he stood outside the door of the studio. "I'm used to military time so I tend to get here early to get ahead of the students that come in early."

"Do students often come this early?" the cameraman asked.

Karasuma shot him a look as if it should be obvious. "Most of them." He looked over at the parking lot as he opened the door. "The Akabane's tend to drop off Karma early." He switched on the lights. "And Asano tends to be here first, but since Gakushuu's been in the hospital..."

"So is Asano not coming in at all?"

Karasuma looked annoyed. "Oh, he'll be in." He turned on some more lights and heaters in the hallways as they moved through the studio. "The world would need to be ending for these kids to miss a practice session – dance is taken seriously here."

He opened the office door and turned light on, greeting the camera to a sight of Koro-sensei passed out on the floor with a blanket of candy wrappers and crisp packets surrounding him.

"For God's sake..." Karasuma buried his face in his hand and leaned against the door.

There was a pause as the camera zoomed in on the Koro-sensei wig as it fell off.

"Okay, that's enough!" Karasuma covered the camera with his hand.

"Hey!" The cameraman yelled as he was shoved out of the office.


"Things have been pretty hard over the last four weeks," Koro-sensei was shown in the confession room wearing sunshades and with stubble on his cheeks. "I've had to keep a low profile since the...since the article was released."

"...You mean the one claiming you're an octopus in disguise and all your qualifications are fake?" The presenter said dryly.

"It's slander!" Koro-sensei cried, his shades popping off as he sobbed. "I'm perfectly qualified! I practically invented the wiggle dance!"

"...I don't think you did."

Koro-sensei looked angry, flailing his tentacles. "It's all slander! I'm perfectly human!" His nose dropped off again. "AH!"

"Uh, what should we do?" The cameraman whispered while Koro-sensei was ranting.

The presenter sighed. "Just cut to the kids."



Japan, Tokyo 05:45


"We have a very set routine in the house," Mr Asano voiced over. "It's important a child has that if they want to be successful."

In the large kitchen, Gakushuu was sitting at the table dressed in his hoodie and dance shorts while his dad was by the counter making some kind of protein shake.

"So obviously that had to be adjusted when Gakushuuu had to have his operation because of the appendicitis," Mr Asano said in the confession room while little Gakushuu was sitting next to him, a scowl on the boy's face. "Especially in the dietary area – clearly something went wrong, so we've completely removed caffeine, sugar and..." He glanced at his son. "What else?"

Koro-sensei's Dance AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now