He's stealing my clients!

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Tokyo, 12:45

The Ice-cream parlour

"WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN!?" Koro-sensei screamed, dramatic music playing in the background.

"We were facing a crisis," Mrs Nakamura said in the confessional room. "The kids were gone... again."

"Alright, no one panic!" Koro-sensei yelled, panicking. "NO ONE PANIC!"

"Will, you please leave," the ice-cream parlour manager begged.

The parents ignored him, panicking.

"How did they even leave without us noticing!?" Mrs Hazama questioned.

Mr Asano sighed and looked at his phone. "I'm trying to track them but their location keeps changing."

"What!? How?" Mr Kanzaki tried to see. "Why are they moving!? Are they in a car?" He paled. "Oh God, they're in a car!"

"THEY'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Hiromi shrieked, scaring the customers who were gawking at the parents.

"What are we gonna do!?" Mr Terasaka yelled.

"Oh, Kayano!" Aguri was nearly crying. "What if they're hurt?"

Koro-sensei was sobbing on the floor. "THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!"

Meanwhile, Mr Karasuma and Ms Irina were watching from the sidelines.

"Jesus Christ," Irina swore, staring at the hysterical adults. "Is it always like this?"

Karasuma sighed, taking out his phone. "Yes." Then his brow furrowed. "Wait, it looks like one of the camera crew was with them. He's texting me." He dialled a number. "I'll call him." Then he shot an irritated look at the parents. "Will everyone calm down—"

"MY BABY HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Hiromi was hysterical, face a blotchy red. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!"

Karasumi winced at the noise and walked further away to take the call while Koro-sensei was sobbing on the floor with Ms Yukimura trying to comfort him.

"This is every teacher's nightmare!" Koro-sensei said in the confessional room. "Having your students go missing like this!" He cried, holding up a string of photos of his students smiling and holding trophies and medals. "I'VE FAILED THEM AS AN EDUCATOR!" He sobbed loudly, fake nose dropping off. "I DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE!"

The camera crew backed away slightly as his tears got everywhere.

"Oh, gosh." Ms Yukimura looked worried while the parents were panicking. "The kids must be terrified." Then suddenly her phone pinged. "Huh?" her eyes widened. "Everyone! I know where they are!"

Everyone stopped and looked over at her. "What!?"


Tokyo, 13:10

Shiro's Dance Studio,

"Wow!" Kayano's eyes sparkled when she saw the table full of pudding in front of them. "PUDDING!"

Asano was drooling. "Dibs on the chocolate with strawberries on top!" He ran towards the table.

"No way!" Kayano tried to drag him back, fighting to get the first dibs.

"Are we really allowed to eat it all?" Kanzaki questioned, apprehensive along with the other children.

"I don't know." Nagisa looked around the expensive dance studio, the dessert table was near the coffee machine, which was next to the entrance to the gym which had different exercise equipment, but the rest of the room was a giant dance studio hall which was a lot bigger than the one at Koro-sensei's. "Um, guys..." He looked back at Kayano and Asano who were fighting over the pudding. "I don't think we should eat any—"

Koro-sensei's Dance AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now