The New Teacher

210 7 33

Japan, Tokyo 10:30


"Previously on Koro-sensei Dance studio." Koro-sensei's voice sounded deep.

The footage showed Irina Jelavic struggling to pull her case through the door. "Ah, f***!"

The camera zoomed in on the parents' shocked faces.

"Okay, so what is happening?" Mrs Hazama exclaimed as a dramatic tune played in the confessional room. "Who is this woman? Why is she swearing? And why does she sound Russian?"

Mr Asano frowned while in the confessional room with her. "Her clothing choices were questionable."

"Christ!" The footage showed Irina kicking her case as it got stuck. "ARE YOU SH**ING ME?!"

Hiromi's jaw dropped as she exchanged a look with the parents in horror.

"That's when I knew." Hiromi was clutching Nagisa tight in the confessional room. "I knew she was going to jeopardise everything we'd built here."

Nagisa squirmed in her hold. "Mom, I can't breathe—"

"Not now, honey." She hugged him tighter. "Mommy's talking about how you're in danger!"

"Pfft!" The blonde woman huffed, the door slamming shut behind her as she dragged her bags in. "Finally!" She took off her sunshades, revealing bright blue eyes. "Who does a girl have to pay to get some good hospitality around here!?"

The parents were staring at her in shock.

"I think this is the thing that nearly broke us as a group," Mrs Nakamura said in the confessional room. "I mean, not me personally, but the other parents went f***ing crazy."


A blonde woman with a generous amount of cleavage was in the confessional room with the producer. "Can I smoke in here?"

The name Irina Jelavic popped up on the screen.

"Uh, no, not really actually," the producer replied. "So, what convinced you to join Koro-sensei's dance studio?"

She sighed, leaning back in the chair. "Look, I owed the perv a favour, and I wanted a change of scenery."

"I see." The producer nodded. "And have you ever taught children before?"

"Nope." Irina was filing her nails.

"Oh..." The producer sounded confused. "Do you like children?"


"Ah..." The producer cleared his throat. "Well, how would you respond to claims that you actually had to leave because you lost your instructor licence in your home country after killing—?"

"Okay, I'm done." She stood up and tore the mic off her blazer, knocking over the cameraman.



Later, Irina was outside smoking in the parking lot.

"Alright for the record, I didn't murder anyone." Irina voiced over. "It was manslaughter. A complete accident."

Newspapers showed headlines of, 'The Bitch of Ballet kills rival in chandelier attack.'

Irina scoffed. "And if I was going to kill someone intentionally, I'd use my car and just forget to put on the handbrake." She sounded annoyed. "Why would I use a chandelier – do you know how hard those are to actually rig up? It's not a cartoon!"

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