❤️Giorno Giovanna❤️

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-Too Dangerous-

Giorno gazed down at your beautiful face, stroking his fingers through your (h/c) hair. You closed your eyes as he did so, resting peacefully on his muscular chest. "You can't stay here with me for too long you know? The boss is still after me." The blonde whispered. You pulled your head from his chest to look at him "No, screw him! I'm not going anywhere without you. What if I lose you?" Giorno let out a frustrated sign "I don't want to lose you either but it's better for me knowing that you're still alive vs me getting killed. I put myself in this situation." You bit your lip and kept silent. You knew you were dating a gangster and things will be like this but his kind hearted nature was worth it for you to be with him. Him and his friends were the only family you got, despite the murder of your drug addict family that owned money. The reason why you survived because Giorno and the gang happened to be around to save you. So you stood by them to help on their mission. After a few months of helping, Giorno wanted you to leave and be somewhere safe until the mission was completed.

"Can we just talk about this tomorrow?" You childishly grunted. Giorno smirked, raising an eyebrow "Fine. But seriously, tomorrow! You can't avoid this forever." Giorno then cuddled closer to you in the bed you two shared as things started to heat up. He kissed your neck down to your collarbone, feeling up your sensitive body. You tensed up a bit as you tugged on his shirt, sliding it off slowly. He then took your shirt off, kissing more along your chest and stomach. You slightly moaned as you rubbed your soft warm hands over his bare back as you two fell deeper in bliss throughout the night.

The next day, you and Giorno walked along into the woods outside of the city where there was open space and privacy. You leaned against an old oak tree with your arms cross, listening to your boyfriend lecture you about your safety. It seems like you had no other choice so you accept his wishes. You leaned in and kissed him on the cheek "Fine, I'll go somewhere safe but promise me not to get killed, okay?" You told him. He smiled, wrapping his arms around you "I'll stay alive for you and when all this is over, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. When I take over as the new boss, I'll take good care of you, buy you anything you want!" You blushed, feeling butterflies filter in your stomach. You couldn't wait to start living that peaceful, love life with him. You two shared a kiss and started to walk back to the secret hideout. You followed close behind but you felt something approach behind you. Before you turned around, a man dressed in black snatched you up by your hair as you screamed out in pain. "Ahhh! Giorno help!"

Giorno quickly turned around summing his stand. You quickly turn to see who grabbed you and then your mouth dropped. It was Damion, the drug lord who sent his men to kill you and your family. His hair was dark purple with white eyes. His pale skin was covered in deep long scares that'll make you question what happened to him. What makes him more scary, is that he's a stand user. "Let her go you bastard!" Giorno holored as he walked towards the scary looking man. "Come closer and I'll kill her!" Damion hissed, summing his stand, 'Black Lore'. Black Lore is known for taking every breath of your body away, replacing it with thick, jet black smoke that can suffocate you to death. You can tell when somebody's been killed by it just by looking at the dead bodies. You'll see black vanes and markings poking out of the skin as the eyes turn all black.

Tears slowly streamed down your eyes, fearing what's going to happen next. Giorno stopped in his tracks "Please don't hurt her, she has nothing to do with the shit her family did to you!!" The blue eyed blonde yelled. "You really do love her, don't you kid?" Damion chuckled, sliding his rough hands along your jawline as you whimper. "What are you doing to her!?" Giorno shouted. The man let out a chuckle as his eyes evilly narrowed. He turned your head to his and slammed his lips into yours, forcefully kissing you. You tried to push him off but that made the villain kiss you even deeper. Giorno's eyes widened as he witnessed another man kissing his girl. His soul burned with anger as he slowly stepped towards Damion, ready to attack. He casually snatched you away from Damion, pulling you behind him for safety. "Oi! I wasn't done with her, punk!" Damion hissed, not seeing what's coming to him. Giorno stood there emotionless as his stand drew back and landed a punch right in the man's face, breaking his nose. He fell on the ground, holding his nose in pain. Giorno stood over the screaming man "Now you're going to pay for messing with my girl!" The stand drew back again and started beating him up senseless "Useless, useless, useless, useless, useless, useless!" Damion was taken out and the fight was officially over.

Giorno then walked up to you with an odd look. You looked up at him in shame, knowing that he was upset about what just happened today. "I'm sorry for what had happened, I should have listened to you before all this." You apologized to your boyfriend. He shook his head "No, I realized that I was wrong. If I had left you all alone, Damion would have found you and killed you. So it's best for you to stay by my side, okay?" You smiled sweetly "Okay. But let's just forget about it and move on." With that, you and Giorno walked home hand and hand.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoy the first story! Much love!!<3

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