❤️Bruno Bucciarati❤️

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There I was, at the most biggest and most beautiful wedding in all of Italy. The wedding was taken place on a cruise across the ocean for the weekend. Bruno treated everybody for the trip himself. He never spend his money like that before but who could blame him, it was his wedding night and honeymoon weekend. My friends and I took our time in our dresses, looking over the boat into the waters where it reflects the beautiful sunset. One of my friends sighed "Isn't this the perfect view or what!?" "Everything is perfect, Sam!" My other friend Mandy added. I smiled sweetly "Yes, certainly! But not as perfect as Bruno, he's so gorgeous!" I close my eyes to the thought of Bruno. I start to spin around in my dress as if we were dacing together. My friends looked at me, knowing that I'm deeply in love with Bruno. Sam bit her lip "Y/N... Why didn't you... You know." I stopped spinning "Hm?" "You should had confessed." Sam stated. My heart stopped in shock as it broke all over again. Reality slapped me dead in the face that It wasn't my wedding day because.....

Because Bruno was marrying another woman...

I stood there silently as a tear shed down my cheek. Mandy placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered "Don't feel so bad, Y/N. If you had of told Bruno how you felt about him, I'm sure he would had married you over her.." That actually made me feel worse but I managed to hold back my tears. I wiped my eyes and gave my friend a fake smile. Sam hugged me "It's going to be alright! But Mandy is right, Bruno is crazy about you regardless so he would have married you in a blink of an eye if he knew." I blushed a little bit while thinking about Bruno again "Yeah, if only I had of told him!" "Told me what?" A male's voice vocalize behind me. I turned around to see Bruno hovering over me with a sweet smile on his face. He was dressed in his suit and tie, looking as handsome as ever. Sam and Mandy jumped as I stood there blushing. "Is everything alright? You ladies look pale and Y/N, you're heating up. Bruno pointed out. Mandy laughed awkwardly as she placed her hands on Sam's shoulders, slightly pushing her away "Well, I'll let Y/N explain. Sam and I are going to get some drinks so see you guys later!" And with that, they was gone. I swallowed hard as everything was going through my mind.

Should I even confess at this point?..

Whatever, it's now or never!

"Bruno, I wanted to tell you that I'm deeply in love with you!"

Bruno gasped, looking down at me. He then grabbed me by my shoulders as I got a bit scared. "Why are you telling me this now! Out of all days, on my wedding night, seriously!?" I looked down ashamed "I know that it's the wrong time to confuses but I just wanted you to know because I regret not telling you how I feel before. I'm sorry..." Bruno lifted my chin up "You know what, don't be sorry because I've been waiting all my life for you to say those words to me." I smiled, reaching up to cress his cheek "Bruno..." Bruno rubbing his cheek on my hand and then placed his hand over mine.

"I-Im getting cold feet now..."

"What do you mean..?"

"I can't live with myself being married to someone else knowing that you feel the same for me.."

Without warning, Bruno slammed his lips into mine as I stood there frozen. It was the perfect moment, like it was something that could only be a dream. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back tenderly.


[[ A/N: You can only guess what happens next! Lol. ]]

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