❤️Mista Guido❤️

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-Warzone Of Love-

Trish was your rival in just about everything. In beauty, status, and even money. You really didn't mind at all about having a good rival to make life more interesting. But there was one thing that you refused to lose to Trish to, and that was winning the heart of Mista. What makes this issue different is the fact that Trish didn't even set eyes for the guy until you told her that you'd had a crush on him. Ever since then, she made her moves on him, making you jealous.

This time, it was your turn to make her jealous. Trish was sitting in the living room texting on her phone while Mista was in the kitchen. You walked by Trish, giving her a 'humph!' sound, warning her not to make any contact with Mista. She looked back at you, rolled her eyes, and went back to texting. You now met your gaze with Mista, changing your expression into a soft, tender one. Mista looked at you sweetly "Hi, Y/N! You want some lunch?" He offered. "Oh, no thanks. I have something else in mind besides lunch." You replied, placing your hands on Mista's hard chest. He blushed "Y-Y/N, you can't do that right in front of Trish. She's right there in the living room." You hummed seductively "I'm sure that you don't really care about that skinny little brat seeing us. Just focus on me." He soon gave into you, slightly gripping your hips to pull you in closer. You grunted out loud so Trish can hear from the other room "Oooo Mista, please grip harder!"

Trish grinded her teeth and raised up from her seat. She angrily threw her phone on the couch "That's it bitch, you won't be getting away with this. Mista's mine!" Trish grabbed Mista's arm, pulling him away from you. "Oh no you don't, pinky!" You shouted, grabbing Mista's other arm. It was tug of war as Miata was crying out in pain "Ladies please stop it! You're pulling my arms out!" Fugo rushed in to see what was going on "Omg can you all just shut up!? I'm trying to help Narancia study! And for God's sake ladies, leave poor Mista alone!" "Fine!" you and Trish shouted, letting go of Mista. Fugo watched you two leave and turned his attention to Mista. Mista scratched his head "Sorry, Fugo. I don't know why they're acting so weird towards me." Fugo shook his head "Probably just teasing you just for their little rival games. Don't take it seriously." Mista frowned in disappointment "Y-Yeah.. Maybe you're right.."

The next day, you took a stroll around the city, enjoying the fresh air. You wanted to forget everything that happened yesterday. You couldn't believe that you almost got in a fight with Trish. You then stopped in your tracks as familiar voices ranged in your ears. You looked up ahead and felt your heart slowly break into tiny little prices as the pink haired girl had an arm around the guy that you liked so much. Mista was laughing and smiling as if he was having the best time of his life. Trish then placed a kiss on his cheek, making your sadness turn into pure rage. You stomped your food hard on the ground "Ugh! That little whore, how could she!?" You rushed towards the couple eyeing down Trish. Mista looked towards you and flinched "Oi, Y/N! What's wrong, are you okay?" You ignored him and pushed your rival away from your crush "Didn't I tell you to stay away from Mista, you slut!?" She moved your arms away and pushed you back "Don't put your hands on me, Y/N! He doesn't belong to you!" "He doesn't belong to you either!" You hissed, pushing her again. "Y/N, please stop this! It's not like you!" Mista yelled, "What's gotten into you? These childish games that you're playing with me needs to stop!"

You stood there in shock, ready to cry. But your anger increased as you built enough courage to yell back. "I am NOT playing games with you, can't you see I have fallen for you!?" "Then why didn't you tell me, Y/N?.." Mista replied, lowering his voice. He slowly walked up to you and placed a hand on your cheek. You let out a sigh "Because, I wanted to stop Trish from taking you away from me." Trish let out a laugh "Insecure much, Y/N?" Mista then turns to Trish "And you must be insecure yourself since you're the one still being petty here. Besides, I wouldn't date a cold hearted bitch like you anyways." You placed your hands over your mouth, trying not to laugh. Trish shrugged "I'm actually not into you, either. I just wanted to piss Y/N off so I'm done." You and Mista watched the pink haired girl walk away in silence. Mista then turned his attention back to you with a smile. You smiled back "Well, guess I won. Huh?" Mista let out a chucked "Guess you did! But hey, you want to get some ice cream together?" You blushed "S-Sure! I love ice cream." Mista happily took your hand as you both slowly walked together.


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