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-A Letter from the Boss-

When you first met Diavolo, he honestly tried to kill you. He seen you as any other victim he'd killed before. But come to find out, you were special. You held a very powerful stand so he decided to let you live and oddly became friendly towards you. You took his kindness lighthearted as you two would spend time together. He would buy you jewelry, clothes, or anything you ask for. You noticed how he never talks about his 'job' and when you asked he would just say "My job is very private." It was weird fot him to say but then again, you took his behavior lighthearted.

One day, you was sitting at home watching TV until your dad called you into the kitchen. "Coming papa!" You answered him, making your way into the kitchen. You dad give you an odd look as he gave you a letter. The latter didn't look like any ordinary letter. It was black with gold lines around the corner with a golden heart in the middle. You gently held the letter confused as much as your dad was.  "Um.. dad. What is this?" You asked. You dad shrugged "I don't know. Open it up and see what it say." You gave your father a stare then opened the letter. You looked at the paper as you paused for a moment. Your dad asked you to read it out loud so he can hear what the letter said. You began to read.

The letter:

"My Dear Sweet Y/N

This letter might be a bit short but there's something I've been wanting to tell you. Y/N, I can't help but think about the times we spent together on those sunny days when you make that smile at me. That smile shines brighter than the sun... That face you make when I have my hands around your curvy figure, is more beautiful than anything I'd ever seen.. But there's more to you than just apperence, did I ever tell you that? Your sweet and loving personally gives you that spark which makes you the person that you are today. I couldn't be lucky enough to have someone like you in my life. We shall meet again soon my sweet as for I could no longer be apart from you like this anymore...

Love, The Boss"

"Uh oh..." You said after reading the letter. You then nervously look at your father who looked beyond pissed. "Now how in the hell did you end up fooling with the boss!? You know how dangerous this man is!?" "I didn't know! He always told me that his job was private and never told me exactly what he did!" You explained, "He just came up to me one day trying to kill me but he spared my life. All because of my stand." Your did eyes bucked as he gripped your shoulders "Don't tell me that he saw your stand!? Please don't tell me that it's true. You know we've been hiding our powers to prevent from being recruited in a dangerous gang." You slowly move your father's hands away "Yeah it's true, but there's no need to freak out about it now. Don't you think that we are more protected with them? There's no turning back you know?" Your dad shook his head "Unbelievable. You really think he's going to protect you? What about other women? So many of them will kill to be with him. It's too risky to date this man!" "Dad, I'm freaking 28! Don't you want me to get out of your house instead of keeping me here as a prisoner!?" You shouted back, "I've been seeing him for a year now. Don't you think I've been dead after all this time? He really likes me, and I like him too. Maybe you should let me make my own decision." Your dad gave you a hard cold stare. He starched the letter out your hand and ripped it into millions of pieces. You didn't dare to say anything either, just stood there angry. You grabbed your jacket and burst out of the house.

You went to your favorite spot by the ocean to blow off steam. You were in the middle between the man you starting to fall for and your loving father who's overprotective. You didn't want to choose between them at all. You just want both of them to remain in your life. You was about to cry until you felt someone's hand on your shoulder. You turn to see Diavolo but you wasn't happy to see him. "What's wrong, love? Aren't you happy to see me after a while?" He asked. You frown "My dad knows about the letter.... We got into a big fight about it. He took the letter and ripped it into pieces." Diavolo sat next to you "Is that so? Well, there's only one thing to do." "And what do you have in mind?" You asked. Diavolo smiled a bit "I'll have to be old fashioned and have a little chat with your father. Maybe then, he'll see how much I care for you." You gasped "Wait what!?"


Good Ending:

You couldn't believe that Diavolo did so much just to be with you. He literally got on his knees and begged your father to let you go and stay with him. It was both cute and funny. But he told you not to tell anybody about this or else his pride will go down the drain. But lucky for him, your father was impressed that a dangerous man like him will beg at his feet for his daughter's hand.

Bad Ending:

You stood there frozen as your father threaten to harm Diavolo if he catches him around you again. Things was getting worse by the minute as you reached out for your father's shoulder. "Papa please don't harm him!!" Your dad violently pushed your hand away "NO. I won't let him do this to you!" "Is that so old man?" Diavolo replied, summing his stand. Diavolo looked towards you "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I love you deeply and can't let anyone get in my way form having you..." You screamed "No! Don't do it!" You watched in horror as Diavolo grabbed your father's throat with his stand and swiftly snapped his neck.

"Omg you killed him!" You sobbed. Diavolo dropped the limp body and snatched you by your arm "Come now, we don't have time for this!" You tried to pull away but the hand on your arm gripped tighter. You yelp in response "Ow!" Diavolo shook you like a rag doll "There's no turning back now baby! You're mine now so you might as well get use to it!!" Diavolo then dragged you out the house as you cried out for help. But it was no use. You're now stuck with this man forever.

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