❤️Jolyne Cujoh❤️

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~Valentine's Day~

{ A/N: Listen to the song for a better reading experience! ^3^ }

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{ A/N: Listen to the song for a better reading experience! ^3^ }

You never were a fan of Valentine's Day but it was because you never had a valentine. Your friend, Jolyne Cujoh, always sorta liked this time of year. She act cold sometimes but she always wanted to be loved due to her daddy issues. But still you didn't too much care for it no matter how much Jolyne begs you to get into the spirit of love.

Valentine's Day was here and you rolled your eyes to every little couple you see. They would give each other gifts, hugs, kisses, everything that makes you jealous. You held on to your books tightly as you grind your teeth. You walked into class and not seeing your friend around at all. You thought that she was skipping school again or probably found some guy to spend Valentine's Day with. You just huffed and took your seat to wait for class to start.

"Huh? What's this?" You questioned as there were candy hears on your desk. You wasn't surprised "Somebody must left their candy at the wrong desk..." You looked around, everybody was either hugged up or kissing so somebody must did left their candy at the wrong desk. "Oh well, I guess it's all mine to eat now!" You giggled to yourself. You start eating the sweet and sour candy hearts with your legs kicked up on the desk. You messed around and licked a small piece of paper. There were notes. "What's this?" You asked yourself. You took the folded pieces of paper from the candy wrapper and read them. It says...

~For My Sweet Y/N L/N~

Happy Valentine's Day, Gorgeous. Wishing you the sweetest & happiest day! Tonight is all ours. I can't wait to celebrate with you. You might not know that it's me writing this to you but I would like for you to meet me tonight at the city park at 9:00pm!

I just hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life. You take my breath away. Always have.. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful person than you. My heart is all yours...
See you tonight!!

You shot up for you desk and grabbed your chest like you was about to have a heart attack "Holy crap! W-Who!? W-Why!?" You couldn't think of anybody would send this to you. Not anybody. You knew a lot of people but you had no idea someone will feel that way towards you. You wonder was this a joke or not but you're willing to look into it. You decided to meet up with this anonymous person.


Your heels clicked on the sidewalk of the park as you stood there to look around for anybody who was alone. You move that string of hair that was in your face behind your hair making sure you looked perfect from head to toe. Your mother actually gave you a glamorous makeover as she was a little too excited to hear about you having your first Valentine. Your hair nicely done, fresh makeup job, and you had on a brand new dress that show off your cerves a little. You looked amazing but you hope you didn't get dressed up like this for nothing. You even bought a gift for that person. It was a heart shaped box of candy and a card. It was your first time getting a gift for someone like this so you just went for the corny gifts.

5 minutes went by, no one show up...

10 minutes went by, no one showed up....

20 minutes went by, still no body showed up...

"Gah this is stupid! I knew this was too good to be true!" You yelled. You start unwrapping the box of chocolates and quietly chew on a piece of candy. You sobbed a bit "...S-Screw Valentine's Day..." You ate a little more candy until a figure crept up behind you. "Save some candy for me you silly girl!" You quickly turn around with a mouth full of candy "J-Jolyne!" You chocked. You swallowed the candy hard, whipping your mouth and eyes. Jolyne smiled with a hand full of roses. She was wearing a beautiful yellow sweater ( just like the one in the picture above ) with black leggings and yellow heels. "Will you be my Valentine, Y/N?" Joylyne softly asked.

You got up from your seat and took the flowers from Jolyne. You looked down for a bit "I... I had no idea you felt that way towards me. How did I not know?" You mumbled. "Jolyne smiled as she lifted up your chin to face her "It's because you don't know how much of a star you are." She softly placed a kiss on your cheek as your face turned red. "I'm so happy to hear that because you were always my star." You replied, "I'd love to be your Valentine.."


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