❤️Risotto Nero❤️

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-Family Time-

Requested By: JotatoKujosWife

[[ Note: This story is going to be a little bit shorter than the other stories. Enjoy loves! ]]

[☁️Fluff☁️ ]

Risotto looked over at his beautiful wife, Y/N as he pointed a pair of chopsticks to her mouth. Y/N giggles as she opened up her mouth and took a bite of food from the chopsticks. "Is it good?" Risotto asked, hoping that his wife would like his cooking. Y/N chewed the food with a smile "Delish!" She said after swallowing. Risotto smirked "I'm glad." The couple then shared a kiss as they both sat quietly on the mat that's placed on the ground. Y/N then reached into the picnic basket and took out a piece of fruit "Open up hunny." Y/N cheerfully said, placing the food near Risotto's mouth. He blushed as he opened up and took a bite. He was really embarrassed but Y/N loved it when he gets nervous.

A six year old girl ran up to the couple "Mama, Papa, I want some food too! Can you feed me a cupcake pleaseeeeeee!?" Y/N smiled brightly "Of course you can sweetie! Only if you eat your vegetables first!" D/N (Daughter's Name) pouted "Nooooo..." Risotto then picked the little girl up and sat her in his lap "D/N, don't pout at your mother like that. She knows what's best for you!" D/N nodes "Sorry mama and papa.." Risotto smiled sweetly and took out a vegetable "Now, with that being said... Here comes the airrrrplaneeee!" D/N turned her head as her papa tried to place the food into her mouth "Yuck! I hate broccoli. No!" Y/N gave her daughter a frown "But honey, don't you want to grow up big and strong like mama and papa?" Risotto tried to placed the vegetable in the little girl's mouth once again but it was still closed. Risotto then had an idea to trick the little girl into eating her vegetables "Oh well. I guess you won't be able to develop the stand that you always wanted. Without vegetables, you might not be able to develop a stand at all.." D/N quickly turn her face to her parents "Nooo, I want a stand like mommy and daddy!" "Well honey, you'll have to eat your vegetables. If you do that, you'll have a stand in no time!" Y/N added with a smile. D/N quicky ate her vegetables as Risotto and Y/N giggle to each other.

Y/N took a napkin and wipped D/N's mouth "See, you'll be just as strong as daddy in no time!" "And be as beautiful as your mother." Risotto added, looking at his wife dearly. Y/N blushed as she made eye contact with her husband. D/N clearly had her father's eyes and hair but her face looked exactly like her mother's. D/N then let out a big yawn and fell asleep into Risotto's lap. Y/N let out a smile "She looks so cute sleeping there so peacefully." Risotto smiled warmly "I agree, but it is getting late honey. We should go home." Risotto held his daughter close to him and took his wife's hand as they headed home.


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