❤️Leone Abbacchio❤️

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-Seeing You One Last Time-


A beautiful young girl wrapped her arms around the huge figure of Leone as he looked down at her with a smile. She looked up into his bright shinny eyes. "Thank you so much again, Leone! You always keep the neighborhood safe, I highly respect you." Leone adjusted his cap "No problem, Y/N." Y/N then pulled away from the man and adjusted his uniform for him "I'm not trying to rush you off but you're still on duty!" The officer jumped in shock "Oh shit! You're right. I'll come back later, you'll be at home right?" Y/N smiled brightly "Of course! I'll be home." With that, Leone hopped in his car and waved goodbye to Y/N. Since that day, Y/N haven't seen or heard from her beloved friend. She would wonder is he dead or just cut her off. She just wondered with no answer...

~Present Day~


I was walking to my favorite restaurant to meet up with a friend. For once, I dressed up super cute. Since it was a sunny day, I put on a beautiful short (F/C) sun dress with gold earrings and bracelets. I swayed up the street as I turn the corner and arrived at my destination. I smiled and looked at the tables outside and saw two men beating the crap out of somebody. My smile quickly faded and hid from around the corner. I was not too use to seeing gang activity like this so I watch for a bit to have a good look at the faces so I could avoid them if I see them around in the future. I looked to the right and stared at the man sitting at the table. He was calmly drinking his wine.

I looked at him a few seconds more and then my mouth dropped

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I looked at him a few seconds more and then my mouth dropped. "L-Leone...." I whispered softly, covering my mouth. It was him! It's really him!! I could feel a tear shed from my eye since it's been over a year since I last heard from him. Everything was going though my mind due to the fact that this man went from a police officer to a freaking gang member. Maybe he's undercover? The man begain to scream louder as I jumped in frear, I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Leone joined in on the fight and was kicking the poor man.

Before I knew it, my body reacted as I jumped from around the corner to confront the man I haven't seen in so long

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Before I knew it, my body reacted as I jumped from around the corner to confront the man I haven't seen in so long. "LEONE! Stop it!! What the hell is wrong with you!?" I shouted at him.


I gasped as I stopped kicking the guy on the ground and admittedly turned around to face the woman that I left behind. I was too ashamed to say anything as she looked at me with eyes full of anger and sorrow. Mista and Narancia stopped and turned to face Y/N. "Um... Leone, who is that?" Narancia whispered. I still didn't say anything. Y/N stepped towards me and started beating on my chest "You jerk! You said you'll come back to see me but you never did! I thought you was dead and now you're here in a gang beating up people!!? I'm so disgusted by you Leone!!" I looked down at Y/N hitting me with her soft punches. I moved her hands away and cupped her cheeks. She looked up at me with that same beautiful face with eyes full of tears. "Why did you leave...?" Y/N sobbed, "Why..."

I slowly pulled Y/N close to me in a tight embrace "I'm sorry Y/N, but I can't tell you what happened. I don't want to break your heart more than I already have..." Mista placed a hand on my back for confront "Leone.. We have to go before someone sees the body laying on the ground." Y/N pulled away from me "He's dead!? How could you all do these things!?" Mista didn't say anything, refusing to argue. Y/N didn't understand anything about what happened to us and our situations. "Y/N, listen to me.." I said, taking a step back from her. "I know you're disappointed in me but I left for personal reasons, not because I didn't want to see you again." Y/N started to cry more "I understand but... Will we continue to see each other?" "I'm afraid not. I don't want you to see me like this. Plus, you're life will be in danger if you stick around. It's best to say goodbye."


I wipped the tears from my eyes "Okay, I understand. It was good seeing you one last time." Leone smiled "I'm happy to see you again too, Y/N. Continue to take care of yourself for me." I stood there bitting my tongue as Lemon and his friends was walking away. I watch him walk further and further away but there was something I wanted to tell him so I ran after him. "Leone! Wait!!" Neither of the guys seem to hear me as they were abording the bus. I ran faster to the bus at the end of the street. Leon looked back and saw me. I shouted to him "Before you go, I wanted to show you something, something that I could never explain to you in words!" Leone looked confused as I jumped into his arms with a kiss on his soft lips. Leone stumbled as bit but wrapped his arms around me and kissed back. I pulled away "Now go, I won't keep you any longer. You don't have to say anything." Leon smiled brightly and hopped on the bus.

I blushed as the bus passed on down the street. I rubbed my arm smiling to myself "I love him so much.." I mumbled. A few minutes later, my friend showed up. She had no idea what happened at all. "Oi Y/N! Sorry that I'm late!" I turned to my friend "Haha, it's fine. Don't worry." My friend raised an eyebrow "Girl, I love the new lipstick color. Where did you get it from?" I looked confused but then realized that Leone had on lipstick so I quickly took the mirror out of my purse and looked at myself and giggled. "Oh, I got it from Leone." I said, still giggling.


*Bonus Ending*


I smiled to myself as I took an old photo of me and Y/N at my old job. I hold the photo close to my heart and closed my eyes, remembering all the great times me and Y/N had.

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