One for me, none for you...

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"Yeah, you did," I said as I turned, facing Malfoy. "I'm not going to apologise to you, I'm happy, so why should I apologise for happiness?" My hand found its way to Fred's, and our fingers linked together. Everyone in the hall stared at us, the room filling with an awkward silence.

Amelie appeared beside me. I looked at her, my face blank. "Show's over guys," she said, pulling me and Fred out of the crowd. "Right, you two have some explaining to do when we get back."

I looked at Fred, cuddling into his side as we walked up towards the common room. His arm wound around my waist in an attempt to calm me down. I was never scared of anything... except for Amelie when she was angry. And it was pretty clear that she wasn't very pleased right now.

"Okay," she said as we met George just inside the common room. "Talk. What was all of that about in the Great Hall?"

"Malfoy somehow found out about me and Skye," Fred said, swallowing hard. "And now the whole school know. Everyone's in a slight uproar over everything..." He sighed as he stood behind me, arms around my waist. "Hannah's now possibly out to get Skye. She's livid."

"Hey," I said suddenly. "Where's Emelia?" I looked around the room, noticing that Emelia was nowhere in sight. My gaze then set onto Amelie, who quickly looked away from my gaze. "Where is she?"

"She's in the dorm," she whispered, her gaze dropping to the floor. "Stuff went down. Neville broke up with her."

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" I cried. I pulled away from Fred, and almost ran upstairs into our room. "Emelia?" I called, entering the room. There was a noise from underneath the covers of her bed, so I walked over and sat down. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Just leave me alone," she mumbled through sobs. "I don't want to talk to anyone."

"No," I sighed. "Talk to me. Amelia said that you and Neville broke up. What's happened?"

"He left me, for Luna," she said, bursting out into wails of tears. "He broke up with me. He wants her."

"Emelia," I said, sighing again. "If he can leave you in this state, is he really worth it? And anyway, she's just... she's not all there, even you have to admit that. He's probably interested because she fascinates him, not because he's in love with her. You'll be fine. We're all downstairs if you need us, okay?" I saw her nod slightly, so I got up and left her to it.

I hated seeing her this upset. Emelia was always the one who never cried, that's just how our friendship worked. I was the strong one, the cocky one who always said what was on my mind regardless of the consequences. Amelie was the emotional one, but she wasn't afraid to say the truth if she felt it had to be said. Then there was Emelia. She was never one to cry, and she always carried us all whenever she needed to. So to see her cry? That was heartbreaking.

Amelie, George and Fred were waiting for me as I reached the common room once more. "She's in pieces," I whispered, sitting down beside Fred. "I've never seen her this upset. Ever."

"What are we going to do?" Amelie asked with a groan. "We've never had to deal with her having her heart broken before."

"I dont know about you..." I said, standing again with frustration. I began to head towards the door, knowing exactly where I was heading. "But I'm going to talk to Neville. No one hurts my best friend and gets away with it." I walked out as quickly as I could, before anyone could stop me.

He was going to wish that he never got involved with Emelia now...

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