And now you know

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Fred wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked through the school grounds. It was a Saturday, so we had nothing better to do than just waste our time together. I had never felt more alive, and Amilie and Emelia were thrilled about my new-found love. Part of me hoped that it was just a crush, more than anything, just so I didn't end up getting hurt... But who could deny these butterflies? I was in love. Completely in love. 

No one at school had found out yet, thank God. We'd managed to hide it for around two weeks now. People were suspicious, though. They'd see the glances, how we were always together, how our hands touched for a little longer than usual. It was obvious to most. The one person I feared finding out about this relationship was Malfoy. 

Recently, I'd found out of what he was capable of, and the thought of him harming Fred was almost too much for me to take. It killed me inside, making tears form in my eyes at the very thought of it. This was one of the reasons why we hadn't told anyone yet.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Fred said, pulling me out of my day dream. I looked up at him, smiling, realising that he was talking about the view down to the river. I nodded slightly, looking back to the scenary to really appreciate it in the golden October's glow. "It's nowhere near as beautiful as you, though, Skye."

"Shut up," I laughed nervously, feeling myself blushing a little. "You're so cheesy." I stood up on my tip-toes to kiss him, pressing my lips gently to his. "But I love you for it."

"I love you too," he whispered, winding his arms around my waist to lift me up a little.  "You know, McGonagall said that there's a Christmas party coming up, on Christmas Eve. We could go, if you'd want."

"Why not?" I said, actually liking the thought of it. "But no slow dancing, I hate that..."

"That's fine," he laughed, kissing me again. "Come on, let's go back inside. We should be going to meet everyone." I sighed, giving him one last kiss, and began to walk back to the castle slowly. Fred's arm went over my shoulders again, pulling me closer as we walked.

On our arrival to the Great Hall, we were greeted by a group of Hufflepuff's. Obviously, we'd separated long before we could have been seen. "Why didn't you tell us you were together?" one of them called. I turned around to see Hannah Abbott standing there, hands on her hips. She had a thing for Fred, and she always saw another girl as competition. "We all know, you know."

"What makes you think that we're together?" I asked, mirroring her position, trying to look as confident as I could.

"Malfoy saw you two about an hour ago, standing outside, hugging, kissing," she spat. "You knew that I liked him, Skylar."

"Well it's hardly my fault that he doesn't like you back," I laughed, looking at Fred. He was staring back at me, waiting for me to say something else. "Well, if you all must know then... Yes, me and Fred are together. Have been for a couple weeks. Problem?"

Everyone in the Great Hall stared at us, obviously hearing what we'd said. "I knew it," I heard that all too familiar voice say. Draco Malfoy. And now, he knew.

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