The Morning After

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The sun streaming through my half shut blinds is what woke me up the next morning- due to the absence of an alarm.

My eyelids pressed themselves down even further in an attempt to let me sleep a little bit longer, I wasn't a morning person and never would be.

The effort seemed to be working until I heard a high pitched groan and something shifted on my chest, making my eyes fly open in surprise and look down to find the source of the noise.

Anna lay curled up with her head in the centre of my chest and one hand on my stomach, the sight of her made my breathing slow, I fell asleep with her here.

Every time I tried to go to sleep with someone else in my bed I stayed wide awake, I was restless and needed to wait until they left to finally get some rest.

And yet, there was Anna, in my bed with my arm wrapped round her shoulder and my legs tangled up in hers.

When the hell did I fall asleep?

I was starting to panic, I could feel it, this was never part of the deal when I slept with a girl, I never did the morning routine, we had fun, she left and that was it.

But I didn't have sex with Anna. We just... slept.

Why was everything so easy with her?

Is this what having a girl friend was like? You could be comfortable around them and tell them things, fall asleep with them and that was okay?

As much as my reputation didn't support the notion, I wasn't all that good at talking to girls, flirting with them- I could get a gold medal in- but actually talking and being the way I was with Anna, not so much.

I didn't want to move, waking her up would not be great for the small heart attack I was taking in that moment at... I looked at my clock... eight in the morning.

My chest rose and fell quickly as I tried to regulate my breathing, but as it moved her hand clutched my t shirt even tighter.

Her head began to move, her nose was scrunching up against my t-shirt and her shoulders wriggled under the hold of my arm.

She's waking up. Oh crap, oh no, oh-

"Harry?" Her throat crackled as she spoke, the rasp in her morning voice sending shivers through me. "Oh god, I'm sorry, I drooled on you."

She pushed herself up off me with her eyes still shut, taking the hand that was on my stomach and wiping her mouth with it.

"It's okay." I choked out, unable to take my eyes off her.

Maybe Ollie wasn't just talking about her voice when she said Anna was magic.

She rubbed her eyes with the tips of her fingers and ran a hand through her mop of unruly hair, yawning widely as she did so.

"Jesus, what time is it?" She asked, blinking rapidly.

"Eight." I told her, rubbing the spot on my chest that was cold from the absence of her head. "You slept over."

"I didn't mean to," she said apologetically, "I was just so tired, I had a really good sleep too. Where did you get this mattress."

A small laugh forced its way between my lips and I sat up.

"I don't know, my dad bought it."

She hummed in response, yawning again before she spoke, "Ask him for me, I need a discount too."

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