St. Impalantine's

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We didn't talk about the dinner afterwards, Harry went back to the frat house and appeared the next day right as rain.

I didn't bring it up, it was awkward enough actually being there and if he didn't want to rehash it I wouldn't press the matter.


A week passed of loved up bliss yet again, he practically lived at the apartment and I only got rid of him because he had to finish some paper for a class I didn't even know he took.

I used the free evening to get everything I needed for the next night, Valentine's Day, our first one as a couple. Our first one ever.

We both agreed not to buy the other anything, it was Harry's idea but I think he was just being sympathetic to my situation.

I really didn't have a tonne of disposable income and his birthday hadn't long passed.

So it was planned, I would cook him a nice meal, give him nice wine and show off some of my new underwear if you catch my drift.

Steak was crossed off my list of possible dinner options immediately after the meal with his father, nothing fishy or too garlic based otherwise we'd have to brush our teeth right after dinner.

I settled on chicken, following my Ma's ingredient list to the tee as I whizzed around the grocery store with my cart full to the brim.

Some of the stuff was just regular groceries but most was for Harry and I, a million spices I hadn't used since I left home, fresh meat and sides. I only got sides when we went out to eat.

All I'm saying is Harry Styles better appreciate this.

I didn't cook much to be honest, not real cooking like I did at home with my parents. Microwave meals and frozen chicken tenders do not a chef make.

It would be good to flex those muscles again, especially when I had a man who would eat shit on a plate if I gave it to him.

I opted for red wine, every time someone on tv was eating a fancy dinner they were sipping on red wine.

I found the one with the Frenchest sounding name and grabbed 3 bottles, the dinner could turn out horrible and Harry's senses may need to be dulled.

Ollie did help me, she and Niall were booked in at a fancy hotel uptown so she did her best to make sure I put my best foot forward for the first St Vs.

Although it was practically unbearable to hear about the happily engaged couple's plans, massages and cocktail dinners were just a couple of the events scheduled for their night.

I put my fingers in my ears before they could tell me anything that would scar me for life and just wished them a happy Valentine's Day.

I loaded all my groceries into the dorm fridge and took my everything shower before heading to bed happy.

Harry would love the meal, I would have an orgasm and all would be well with the world.

The lovebirds were already gone when I woke up the next day, there was a note stuck to a bag of McDonald's breakfast that read 'don't do anything we wouldn't' in the fridge.

It made me throw up in my mouth a little but hey, free McMuffins.

I got the food started, putting all the sides in the oven on the lowest heat at around noon and doing an hour of self hyping up to put my hands in a raw chicken.

Harry text me at 3pm telling me to come outside, all my prep was done and the chicken had been primed and stuffed within an inch of its left before I left it covered in the fridge.

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