The Castle

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We didn't see the others for a couple of hours on Harry's birthday.

He opened his presents and was so delighted that he just had to fuck me up against his bedroom wall, a feat I thought no man could achieve but Harry tackled with ease.

He left no part of me untouched. Or kissed. Or licked.

All I got him was a new bag, a key ring with our picture in it and some of his favourite candy.

But he was so happy, his face lit up when he saw the bags and paper I used never mind when he actually opened them.

I didn't think thought was something he would be so taken with but I had remind myself that he didn't grow up with the kids in his tax bracket.

He was one of the normal people.

After our exploits I honestly almost suggested a deep clean of his bedroom because I couldn't think of more than 2 surfaces that there wouldn't be remnants left on.

However, we did eventually grace the boys with our presence.

They all wore shit eating grins and suggestive looks that let me know we had been less than quiet but it didn't bother me so much, I was too spaced out to care.

We spent the day at the apartment, that was where Harry wanted to be, lounging on the couch and watching Rom coms with Wongs Chinese food for dinner.

It was a great day and even at the end when nothing much had happened and no spectacles were made he still told me it was his best birthday ever.

We both fell asleep with smiles on our faces.

I did not wake up to a smile a week later.

We stayed at mine the whole week, there was peace in the apartment that we just couldn't get at the house and significantly less Kacy sightings.

I didn't know why Harry even still lived at the Frat, he joined for the boys sure but Niall spent most of his time here and the others had girlfriends now.

There was only a few months left until graduation so he was probably just sticking it out until he could leave it in the dust.

I didn't mind either way, I liked having him around.

On this particular morning however, I wished he was literally anywhere else but within earshot of me.

Harry paced around my bedroom in his bare feet for a while before I woke up, I felt him get out of bed but didn't rouse from my sleep.

He probably just needed to go to the bathroom, he'd be back soon.

But however long later he plopped himself down on my mattress with no care or grace and it shocked me awake.

"What- what's wrong." My eyes snapped opened at the sudden movement. "I'd someone dead?"

The look in his face alluded to something tragic, a bomb threat or a war declaration maybe.

My back sprung off the mattress and I sat up straight, I could see my hair in my peripheral vision but I didn't care. Something was obviously wrong.

"I'm sorry, Anna," he sighed, rubbing his hands down his face, "I tried to put it off, to get him to cancel."

"Harry, what is it?" I asked with a raspy voice and sleep filled eyes.

His eyebrows fell down low and he put his knee up so he could turn to me.

"My father called on my birthday," he began, "I thought it would be normal bullshit but he asked us to come to dinner."

I sighed loudly, falling back on to the mattress dramatically with annoyance clear on my face.

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