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*The ruins of the old castle take shape above, filling you with determination.*

"This place looks old and haunted, lovely." I let my arms rest on Bayard's back, feeling a tad bit more at ease.

An unforeseen clamor arose from the what was thought to be an abandon castle, startling the few crows that hid within the massive spruce trees around the castle grounds, making Bayard rear and throw me off, before dashing out of the gates head first, and disappearing into the thick snowy air.  The air knocked out of me could be seen hovering out of my agape mouth, as I groan from the harsh impact of the concrete. My back was sore and my head hurt tremendously from the fall, may I be concussed, who knows. For however long I was laying there in agony, my blurry vision picked up on roses that lightly overflowed from the flower pit, which was being snowed over dramatically.

I reached my hands for the roses, before the loud step of what seemed to be an inhumanly large being came within ear shot. Before I could look in the direction of the steps, the hood of my cloak was ripped from underneath me. Now facing the front gate, I am currently being dragged like a dead body by an unknown person, or thing. Still very dazed from being thrown off my horse, I could barely keep my eyes open.

The fabric of my cloak and dress were ripped open from being dragged against the jagged concrete path, which meant my back was being sliced against the hard pavement. Light trickles of blood began to trail underneath me and blend into the white snow. As my captor bust open the grand doors, the feeling of cold bricked transitioned into dusty carpet, which put the millions of cuts on my back in an agonizing distress, making me whine from the racking pain. As I try and pull myself up to escape the tormenting burn, I see a beautiful Tuscan sun carpet with the print of angles and flowers below me. Streaks of garnet trailing from my aching back alarmed my incarcerator, making them let out a deep grunt, and sling me over their back within a hot second. My legs dangled in front of their chest, and my head rested on their back.

Blood rushed to my head quicker than Bayard left, leaving me with a blistering headache. One last time, I peered at the pretty carpet that has been stained with my ichor. The temperature around us begins to drop suddenly, and the deranged blue wallpaper turned to a watery stone, moss was growing out of almost every crack and the smell of dead rodents quickly filled my nose. My face scrunched up in disgust, and a cold chill ran through my body.

In seconds, my body was slammed into a hard pavement for the the second time within the last hour. Finally being right side up, my blood disperses in my body leaving me with an intense head rush. Not knowing what hurt most, my arms randomly clutched my sore limbs, trying to obtain comfort in the most confusing moment of my life.

"Y-Y/n? Is that you!?" The familiar voice of my brother forced my heavy head to look up, taking in the smell of molding stone, and rusted bars. I look to where his voice was heard and I see him on the other side of a pair of bars. "B/n...?" I squint my eyes to try and make out his distant features, only to shut them in excruciating pain. "Y/n what are you doing!" I cough out slowly, not to disturb my sore body. "To look for you dumbass, what else!" I sneered at his carelessness. Obviously Im not much better since I am in the same situation, but I wouldn't be here if he went the right way. "Sir! Please, you've got to let my sister go! She didn't know, She's only here because of me!"

"Who the hell are you talking too..?" I look to my brother who grasped at the aging cage, on his knees begging for my release. I look to see who he is speaking to, and peer and a tall and largely built figure which couldn't be seen in this awful lighting

"Trespassing is illegal. You will pay for your crime down here, just like any other criminal." A hollow voice growled from the shadow. "Please! She wouldn't be here if it weren't for me!" My brother begged. "Why should I let her go? Hm?"


"Who are you!" I sneered, cutting my brother off. A moment of silence was followed by a freakishly calm voice. "I am the master of this castle." Almost a soothing purr followed his statement. "Please, I've come for my brother, you must let him go! Can't you see he meant no harm!?"

"He shouldn't have trespassed!" His firm words were backed up by his horrifying demeanor. "But he'll get sick, or die down here. Please, I'll do anything!" I tried reasoning with the terrifying man. "There is nothing you can do, he is my prisoner." His figure slowly ascended towards the stairs. "Oh there must be some way... Wait! Come back!" I reached for the bars , griping them tightly like my brother once did.

The man glared back with a growl, awaiting for me to continue. Hesitating under the now overwhelming pressure, I took a gulp and glanced to my brother who looked helpless and tired, and breathed out. "Keep me, but let him go...I will serve his sentence!" I huffed out, hoping I would be taken up on my offer.

"You?" The raspy hum of his voice was cut off by my brothers scratchy scream of protest. "No Y/n! You can't do that, you have so much to live for -"

"You, would take his place...?" Though still bold and intense, the mystery mans voice seemed almost surprised, and startled? "You would let him go if I did right!?" I almost screamed in desperation for my brothers freedom. His large and dark shadow towered over our cells, his silence scared me. "Yes." I breathed out a deep huff of air in relief.

"But, that means you would be serving two sentences, yours, and his." I slid down from the bars onto my knees, to tired to even argue. My brother is free, so I am happy. "Why would she serve two-" My brother attempted to butt in. "She trespassed as well did she not?"

"How long is one sentence!?" My brothers teeth were chattering from the frosty air, the once wet and mossy stone bricks were now icy. "Hmm, haven't decided." A cocky smirk could be heard from his mouth. "Maybe, 6 months, a year, 3 years, who knows... Maybe forever-"

"You son of a b-"

"Okay. I'll stay here with you for as long as you want, forever if it may, as long as it grants my brother freedom." I try to make my voice loud and sure. "Y/n-"

"Forever aye? You're willing to stay here with me forever, just for your brother?" He almost sounded shocked. I looked to the beastly looking shadow, numbly awaiting to see the face of our captor. "Come into the light.." My voice was shaking, blearily holding a whimper. Hesitatingly, he stood hidden within the shadows, before a dirty hove stepped into view. The small bit of light peering through the old iron bared windows illuminated the giant build of a pig man. A pig head with a slightly matted pink main, held a crown that was surprisingly clean. Along the humanoid body, was royal garments and a kings robe. After letting out a small gasp of surprise, I shakily stood up, and held onto the bars for support.

"You have my word." I said confidently. "Deal." He barked back, open my brothers cell who was screaming in protests. "LET ME GO, NOW DAMMIT! YOU HORRIFIC BEAST LET MY SISTER GO!" His voice faded out, leaving my to fall back down. In need of sleep, I laid my body down using my arms to protect my head from the floor. Dipping in and out of sleep, my aching body managed to fall asleep even in my poor condition.



Double update pog?

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 || technoblade x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now