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"Wake up." 

     The gruff voice of the beast awoke me from my silent sleep. Lifting my achy arms off of the damp stone floor, I raised them above my head and suppressed a yawn. My eyes glanced up to the giant swine awaiting his next demand. "Come with me, now." he growled,  ripping open the iron door. Scrambling to my feet as quick as possible, I fell onto the iron bars to my left for support. He scoffed and wrapped his massive hand, or paw, around my left arm and tore me from the little cell. My feet troubled keeping up with the beast as he dragged my up the stairs into the main lobby. Now walking at a slower pace, I finally got to take in the vintage beauty of the castle. The stone bricks covering half of the walls contrasted with the turquoise wallpaper and marble floor. We came across the beginning room again, and I spotted the lovely full yellow rug decorated with angles and white flowers. I stared at it in awe, wondering how much such a beauty like that costs. Just then what appeared to be witchcraft, a teapot and duster came rushing past us. A teapot, and duster.

"What..." I subconsciously scooted a bit closer the the beast, slightly keeping my distance. "Ugh. This way!" Yanking me from my gaze we went through a pair of grand doors and made our way up a flight of fancy stairs. Though this place was covered in cobwebs and buried in dust, it still had an estimable beauty to it. The wallpaper worn and the silky marble floor tired from being ignored and abandoned. Now on the second of how ever many floors we slowly walked to who knows where. Looking to our left, the stone railings covered in dirt and grime peered a ball room, or what looked like it. I let out a gentle gasp and pulled myself out of his grasp quickly and peeked over the rails with awe. Wine colored walls and gold accents took away my breath with a grand mural painting over the ceiling and large diamond chandeliers.  I look the the floor which was  actually a mirror. The reflection of the ceiling masked the floor filling me with a sense of joy and determination. "What are you doing? Lets go." My right wrist was ripped from the cold stone as my whole body was dragged into a room only a few feet from where I stood.  "Here." He nudged me into the gorgeous room which probably cost more than my entire house times three. Before taking everything in, I looked back to him confused and lost. His eyebrows scrunched and he shook his head at me in confusion. "Uhm, do you want me to clean it it or something?" He sighed and pushed me in all the way. "It's your room, or do you want to go back to where you were with the rats?" My lips ceiled shut, I wasn't about to get the plague. "No no, this is nice thank you-" I was cut off  by the slam of the door and shaking of the walls. "Oh, alright.." I walked to the middle of the room and let my hand run across the silky fabrics and smooth furniture. "Why hello dearest, who might you be?" 

"AHH!" I shriek out at the sudden disembodied voice presumably talking to me. "Oh my I didn't mean to frighten' ya! Im over here silly." I turn to the voice and see a tall white wardrobe with silver and gold linings. A large mirror was in the heart of the dresser and jewlery hung on little hooks. "Oh my god.." I stared at the dresser and really wondered if it was actually speaking to me. "Well whats your name then? Im Niki." It. Spoke. 

"Am I going crazy?" I walked over to it and gently reached my hand out. "No dear, you aren't crazy. But I am a wardrobe." She sighed. "Oh, well nice to meet you 'Niki'... are you some sort of ventriloquist?" I leaned on the wall and tried to see if anyone was behind it. "That would almost be ideal, eh-!" one of her dresser door flew open at me when I tried opening one of the drawers. "Never open a ladies drawer without permission!" Luckily I ducked away before getting smacked in the face. "Sorry, uh, may I ask how you're- pardon me if this is impolite, but, how are you- alive?" I tried not to offend her incase she had some tragic backstory. "Oh, its alright. The master of this castle, Technoblade, was once a prideful prince of this kingdom. So prideful in fact he-"

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" Niki stopped her story at the sound of a guest. "Bonjour!" A candle stick and clock came hopping in. "Je m'appelle Wilbur!" Before I could process, the angry little clock smacked the candle. "Stop it Wilbur you oaf." 

"Tommy thats rude!" 'Wilbur' fought back. To which a scrap of sorts broke out between the two. This "fight" if thats what you can call this, consisted of blowing out flames and burning. "Girls girls, you're both pretty! why don't you go get Mrs. Pots-" Niki again , was cut off by a knock at the door. "Come in!" She spoke. I just stood here. Watching inanimate objects converse.

Coming through the door was a trolley moving on its own, with a tea cup and tea pot on top. Let me guess, they talk too? "Hello dear! Would you like some tea?" The trolley stopped in front of me. "I- sure.." I looked to the teacup who looked pleased with my answer. "Alright Tubbo, com'ere!" The teapot spoke. Tubbo did as he was told as the teapot, presumably Mrs. Pots, poured tea into the teacup, Tubbo.  "How many sugars miss?" the teacup spoke. "Two please..." and to which Mrs. Pots placed two sugar cubes into my tea and teacup Tubbo hopped over to me. I gently picked him up by the handle, and turned him so his weirdly animated face wasn't facing me. I took a sip and was pleasantly surprised at how well it tasted. Then again, this is a palace, of course their tea will be good. Tubbo giggled as I drank more tea, which made me smile as well. Maybe I am crazy, but at least I'm having fun within that time.


sorry for the short chapter :( I just wanted to get something out since I haven't posted in a while. I will update again as soon as possible!

Also thank you all so  much for 300 reads :( <3

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 || technoblade x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now