𝐋𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐲

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Spending Christmas in the castle was the most joyful time I have had during the holidays, everyone including the beast had the biggest smiles on their faces.


A week has pasted since Christmas, me and Techno sat at the dinning table enjoying a simple New Years meal, talking about Greek mythology and books we have read. Though Techno was still distant and sometimes harsh, I could now actually stand being around his presence unlike when I first got here.

"What is your favorite flower Techno? I've mention mine is a rose a million times by now! I mean for someone with as big as a garden as yours, you have to have a favorite right?" 

"Well, roses are a close second, but lilies are nice." He nodded his head, sure of his answer. "I see, you know I love roses more but lilies are quite nice." The thought of roses brought a question to my mind, something I had been wondering for a while.

"I have been wondering... I can tell it is a sensitive topic, but what is with the rose in the forbidden wing?"

Techno's grip seem to falter slightly, his eyes trained on his plate as he gently placed his cup down. "I know, I know you're curious. Especially with the way I acted, I'm not surprised you want to know.

I want to tell you soon, not now, but soon. There is actually a lot I want to tell you, but I think we should just eat right now." When his eyes met mine I could see the genuine emotion he had, my heart swelled at the thought of what he has gone through.

"I understand Techno, thank you for trusting me enough to tell me someday." We had shared pure smiles, his toothy grin made my lips rise to show off my gummy smile.

One would think the quiet would be awkward, but it felt so calm and safe. It felt like home.

"Y/n, there is one thing I want to know... Do you enjoy living here, in the palace?" 

His question was so easy to answer, yet I didn't know how to explain it. "Of course, everyone here is so kind and friendly, it feels like family. But..." I wasn't sure why he was asking this, and Im positive it wasn't an invitation to start spilling all my built up emotions and thoughts.

"I see. Why I ask is cause, I would hope you would stay here with me. You, and your brother could stay here in the palace. This castle is far to big for just me, and well, I would gladly allow you and your brother to live here." My eyebrows were quick to smooch together, I aggressively stared the pig in front of me down.

"You are serious?" This better not be a sick joke...

"I dont joke about things like this. There is another reason why I am allowing you both housing here, but that is for another time."

"Why would you allow this?" I couldn't help but question everything, this was too kind of an offer to just be taken lightly.

"Again, the main reason you will learn soon, but for now I can tell you I have done a lot of thinking and decided it would be too cruel to keep you from your only family, or send you back to your town you clearly dont like."

"You know Techno, you aren't as much of a beast as you look. Behind the scary tusks, sharp claws, and bruiting nature you really are a kind person. And Im not just saying this, but no matter what strong of a persona you put on you really have pure intentions."  I couldn't help but smile to keep the butterflies in my stomach at bay.

"Kind? Oh please, how?" He was obviously flattered, and pretended  what I said was a lie.

"Come on now, first off you let my brother go, gave me a nice room and care my first night, surely a bad person wouldn't mid keeping me and my brother in the dungeons to starve! And just now, you offered me and my brother shelter under your palace? Is there some kind of catch I missed?"

During our chat, Puffy came and told us to head off so she could clean up. We unconsciously walked to the library, having a very enthusiastic conversation. "Listen, I can still be a bad person! Just because I am giving you a little bit more extra care than a regular prisoner doesn't mean Im so great!"

"Just accept it Techno, you're an amazing soul!" 

We sat comfortably at a table a few books were scattered at. "Here, we can write a letter to your brother, the sooner he moves in the better I suppose." Techno grabbed an empty journal and ripped a page out.  At the table was already  a quill and ink, and a few envelopes.

"Here, just tell him to pack important things and head here as soon as possible. Tell him its safe, and bring no one, and yeah thats about it." He got up and went to a cabinet and pulled out a candle and a match.


"Hm you think he will know its me? What if he thinks its a trap?" I let Techno fold the letter and ceil it shut in the envelope with wax. 

"Who else would he think wrote the letter? He probably thinks I dont even know how to use a quill." I laughed a bit, knowing Techno and B/n would have a unique friendship once they got used to each other.


Techno had taken the letter to his carriage to deliver it to B/n, which I am very grateful for.

I am resting in the bath with Puffy and Niki pampering me like a doll, "Its nice to have spa days right?" they said, yet this is a whole lot more than I prepared for. Sally the duster, Wilbur's girlfriend, is also helping, even though her feathers cant get wet. 

I have a face mask on, hair mask, and Im soaking in fancy salts and rose petals. My nails have been filed and covered in a cream to make them stronger. "You are going to be so beautiful Y/n! Not that you aren't already beautiful, but now you'll be glowing!"  Puffy rinsed out the hair mask and brush through my hair.

"Ok, we only have 4 more hair mask's left!" I felt my soul leave my body, this was going to be a long night.


Techno's POV

"Quick Punz, status report!" Busting down the door, Ranboo slams all of his keys down in surprise making a loud cacophony shriek. 

"They are finish, you aren't aloud to see hers- its a surprise!" I roll my eyes quickly, moving from Punz to Ranboo.

"How's the song?" 

"Great! I am a little nervous to play for such a special occasion but I am excited!" 

"Good, Punz get the suit to my room for tomorrow. When thats done make sure Puffy and Sam are prepared for breakfast tomorrow."


The sigh I let out after closing the door caused a breeze, I have to start getting ready tonight.


haha numb hands go brrr <3

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 || technoblade x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now