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Please read A/N at the end!

The soft silk of the sheets, the heavy and bulky blankets that smothered me in my sleep were being tugged at the bottom of the bed, making me raise me head with the most unimpressed glare. one of my eyes was practically closed as I forced one open to spot the disturbance. What I saw was not what I was expecting, making me put a little more effort into the dirty look I was making. "Someone had better be dying." The looming pig man held his paws together with a wired look on his face, and the little personified objects standing on the foot of the bed held the brightness smiles for what I could hope to be the greatest news on the damn planet.

"Guess what day it is in 4 days!" Tommy spoke up first, his voice made my eye twitch. "Your funeral?" I glanced out the window to see it was still pitch black out, making me wonder why these bafoon's were doing here.

"No- You lazy sack of bones... It's Christmas!" Tommy put his little hands on his hips, smacking his lips as if I was supposed to know that.

"Okay..? You're waking me up in the middle of the night because?" I let out a yawn and was ready to fall back onto the bed.
"You're gonna help us decorate, that's why." Technoblade's deep voice was louder than Tommy's and I'd voices, but lower in pitch. "You woke me up at the ass crack of dawn... to decorate for Christmas." I just clarified why they were here to tell me.

"That's right Y/n! Here look, I even have a nice dress for you." Niki spoke up, showing me a pretty red dress which was lined with white fluff and lace.
I looked at Niki and realized I couldn't argue with her, so I got up slowly and looked back to the window, which revealed a dark sky which started to lighten with red hues.

"Ah I told you she would come around!" Puffy hopped over to me, Tubbo and a new lad followed behind her. "Yeah yeah..." Technoblade pulled up a chair to the side of the bed and sat down on it with a slight groan as if he was a 50 year old man. "Alright ducklings, c'mere!" Puffy began to pour tea into the little teacups.

Technoblade picked up Tubbo, so I reached for the other one.
"What's your name, hm?" I lifted the cup up to my eye level. "Oh, I'm dream haha." I nodded and had my tea, as did Technoblade.

"So what brings me the great pleasure of being accompanied for morning tea by The Blade?" I wondered as to why he stayed here to drink tea.
"This is my castle, I can drink tea where ever I please and I so happened to feel like drinking it here today." I rolled my eyes and felt the warm light from the sun peering over the mountains.

We finished our Tea quickly, and he left for me to get changed.
I dressed in the red gown, and matched with brown boots and black tights. Niki even gave me a matching cloak, which almost looked like a mini version of Technoblades, except it had a hood. As I walked out of my room, the candles had been changed from a vanilla scent to a pine and balsam smell, which reminded me very much of Christmas. It looks as tho the walls were already covered with garlands and a variety of ornaments, which made me wonder what else we had to do.
I wonder into the lounge to see a tree being covered in various things like popcorn sting, handmade ornaments, and even some protected candles which were shielded by colorful glass cases. Although, the literal star of the show was missing, so I walked up to Techno and tapped his shoulder.
"Where's the star?" He looked down at me and then passed me a wired star shaped cage, which had reflective glass glued inside. Holding it close to my face, I could kind of see the light from the star reflecting into my nose, making me go crossed eyed for a better look. "Your eyes are going to stick like that if you keep crossing them." Techno wondered behind me and asked if I wanted to put the star on the tree. I smiled and said yes, so he lifted me up by my arms to place the main attraction. After about thirty-ish minutes we all stood back from the tree to take in our work. It was chaotic to say the least, but it honestly looked better then the basic plain trees with the basic plain ornaments and angle.

"Let's go outside and make snow angles!" By now I was definitely in the holiday spirit, considering I even forgot about it until this morning. We all went outside, Tommy and Wilbur had matching scarfs and hats, which looked unbelievably ridiculous considering they were a candle and clock. Did they even get cold?
We spent all day making snow angles and snowmen and women, and ended the day in a giant snowball fight. It was hospitable at first, until Techno picked up a snowman and hurdled it towards me. May I recover? probably.

Once we got inside, Punz the coat hanger and Bad the lamp took out coats and me and Techno rushed to get into warm baths. The others, started dinner.

To end the day, we ate dinner around the tree and talk all about, as if we were all just friends hanging out. Which, in my opinion, we were. Ranboo started playing some carols which were calming to say the least. Enjoying the music and sounds of the fire, I started to realized how much I loved it here. Yes, I missed my brother an absurd amount, yet I don't think I have ever felt so comfortable sitting down and enjoying a meal, in the winter no less. sure, back home I was content with our living situation, but now that I know what it's like to live in such a wealthy home? I don't want to go back to how things were, we'll sort of. If my brother were here, I think I could die peacefully seeing as how everything I've ever needed is all here.

"Alright everyone, Technoblade, Y/n, I think it is time you two go to bed. We woke up quite early and played hard today, you must be exhausted!" Puffy gathered the dirty silverware and Technoblade helped me to my feet.

"Goodnight Puffy, everyone." Techno guided me away. "Night everyone! See you tomorrow." I waved back to them, and headed to my room.

Separating ways with Techno, I made it to my room quickly and got changed into pajamas Niki had prepared for me.

"Niki, where was Punz and Ranboo all day? They were gone all morning and we only saw them during dinner. Also, have you been changing places or am I going crazy?"

"Woah slow down now, I'm sure... They were just keeping after the castle, it's not like they were doing anything suspicious! And, yeah I can get bored staying in one place so if you ever see me in another spot, or even outside of the room don't worry I just like to get out!" She was quicker with her words, so I stopped asking so many questions and proceeded with my night routine.

The dark came as soon as it left, dragging me into the sweet escape of sleep.


as a thanks, I am writing my own story with an original plot! I already have a character chosen, and it's an x reader.

I am trying to pre-write the chapters so I can just upload them all at once or on an actual schedule.

I am keeping the character a secret for now, but it is a mcyt. I hope you are excited as much as I, and thank you again for 2k I sincerely appreciate it❤️

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