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Walking past many rooms, Y/n couldn't help her self but to stare at the looming paintings that held vintage faces from who know how many years ago. The people the the paintings all looks so unique, so powerful and prideful. Their features were drastically different at he start of the long hallway, but soon morphed into a mixture of dusty seafoam green eyes, and alluring taffy pink hair. Each persons nose had a slight bump on the bridge, bringing such an estimable beauty that made them look strong and witty.

The outfits were made up of navy blue, black, and a lot of gold. Every single one of them wore gold jewelry, showing off their riches. Nearing the end of the hall, a large family portrait rested atop a fire place. Though the fire place wasn't as grand as other Y/n has seen, it was still mesmerizing without taking away from the glorious artwork that hung above.

In the painting, was a tall woman, about 5'10. Her long pink-lace hair reached down to her hips, straight with a few white strands. Her basil eyes were sharp and determined, as her spider like arms rested around her husbands torso in a delicate manor, making sure who ever laid eyes on this painting would know he was hers, the proud smirk she wore just made it all the more obvious.

The gentle looking man who the woman held so proudly had puce red hair, and bright grey eyes. He had a button nose that matched his dashing smile. His kings robes only gave away he is the presumable king of this palace, or was. A grand crown laid upon his curly hair, matching the queen's tiara.

In between the couple, was a charming young man. About 16, with luscious pink taffy hair that was in a long braid down the the small of his back. His piercing seafoam green eye's looked so spiteful and proud, yet a mischievous jovial glint. A small crown rested on his fluffy pink hair, meaning he was the prince.

Y/n examined the painting with extra care, it looked to be painted sooner, rather than the other paintings which looked ancient. Yet, this was the most unkept and dirty part of the castle she has seen, dust and dirt began to eat away at the walls and floor, a grimy layer of filth and age covered the painting, making you wonder how long ago it really was.

"Over here, dear." Puffy pushed open a door, which lead to a very clean bathroom. minty green walls and slightly off whited tiles among the floor, and a large bath in the center with a round mirror behind it mounted on the wall. Y/n walked over to the tub to see it was already full of soapy water, steam slightly hovered over the bathtub, making Y/n's sore body ache with anticipation. "May I get in?" Itching to rip her old clothes off, Y/n slipped out of her clothes as fast as she could as soon as puffy gave her the que. She dipped her toes into the hot water, flinching at the scorching heat. She got there just in time. Her body shook with glee, the warm water enveloping her. She has never felt more relaxed, life back home was never like this. She could neve let herself relax as there was always something to do. Now, all her problems evaporated with the steaming water.

For the first time in a while, she had nothing on her mind. Though once she realized how easy thing were going for her, how happy she was in the moment, thoughts of paranoia and guilt filled her head, her anxiety building up and fueling her now sour thoughts.

"Your brother is suffering right now, he's probably worried sick just because you had to get yourself caught!"

"How selfish are you to allow yourself to live in such comfort, while your brother is out working his ass off, probably spending all of his money to try and save you."

"Oh so you think just cause you saved your brother you deserve this? You deserve such nice treatment? Oh whats next, you think the beast is going to fall in love with you, and let you live like this forever?"

"Don't get comfortable you leech, even the beast said life wont be easy here. You'd be lucky if he makes you his maid for the rest of your life."

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 || technoblade x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now