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"Calm down, okay?! We're going to get there soon!" you felt a tight grip on the hem of your shirt but you couldn't look back at Katsuki since you were riding your motorbike and driving as fast as you can.

Katsuki was biting his lower lip very hard that he could already taste the salty taste of his blood in his mouth. Your eyebrows started to knit together as you squeezed the clutch lever of the bike to accelerate.

You instinctively bit the insides of your cheek as you forced yourself not to cry. You could feel Katsuki's strong grip on your shirt as you two rode the bike together on your way to the nearest hospital where Kirishima and the others are brought to after their vehicle got into a terrible accident.

Your right hand gently touched Katsuki's hand that were gripping your shirt while your eyes were on the road. Tapping the back of his palms series of dots and slashes in order to communicate with Katsuki since talking would not reach him since the loud roar of your motor and the gust of wind will definitely hinder your voice.

we'll be there soon. don't lose focus now.

After relaying the morse code to Katsuki, his grip gradually loosen, making you slightly sigh in relief. You can't let Katsuki be swallowed by his overwhelming emotions right now. You've been there before and you won't let Katsuki feel the same way.

You sped up even more and within 10 minutes, you already reached the hospital which called Katsuki through Kirishima's phone. You two came in running to the nurse station and Katsuki's face was as pale as a snow in nervousness.

"We're here for Kirishima Eijiro. A tall guy with red hair and two people who came in with him." You spoke for Katsuki after seeing him unable to utter a single word.

The nurse turned back her head towards you which also took you back, "I-Ibara?!" your eyes widen as you realized one of your closest friend is also here in Osaka.

The green haired woman grabbed your wrist as she looked both at you and Katsuki back and forth, "(y/n)!" she worriedly called you after seeing your bruised knuckles.

Ibara, though she was not aware of your past, she definitely had an idea about Katsuki since he was quite infamous back in highschool. Rumors about him being a son of a yakuza can be heard everywhere, which made the other class avoid him at all cause. Ibara suddenly became more panicked since you arrived with such state and with Katsuki. Of course, it would raise her suspicion.

You quickly tapped her hand as you gave her a small smile, "It's okay, Ibara-chan. I'm fine. Please, show us where are Kirishima-san and the others are right now." you said with a stern voice but your expression was gentle.

Ibara was hesitant but she couldn't help herself but to only sigh as she massaged her forehead as if she was stressed, "fine. follow me." she muttered in defeat before turning to Katsuki.

"I don't know how (y/n) was involved in this but I want you to know that if something happens to her..." Ibara wasn't a scary person but if she gets mad, she is so damn scary, "...I will hold you responsible."

Katsuki glared at Ibara but never spoke back to her. He knew that it wasn't a time to be bickering around. He was worried about his friends.

Ibara lets go of your wrist before turning back and started to strut her way towards the hallway of the hospital which leads to the emergency room.

"I'm here. We're doing this together." you whispered as you reached for his hand and intertwined it along with yours before you both followed Ibara.

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