jessica's birthday

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jessica woke up and saw that jethro was still asleep, she decided to let him sleep in. "last week sure was a wonderful adventure." she walked down to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee and sat down and drank her coffee while waiting on jethro to wake up. jethro woke up and noticed that jessica wasn't there. "where the hell could she be?" jethro thought. he got up and walked down to the kitchen and saw jessica peacefully looking out the living room window. he walked into the kitchen, grabbed a cup of coffee and quietly sat at the table in the dining room. jessica turned around and noticed jethro quietly sitting at the dining room table. good morning jethro, did you sleep well? not really jess, i only got an hour of sleep. i'm sorry about that jethro, go back to sleep and get some rest. jessica walked over to where jethro was and sat down in his lap while wrapping her arms around his neck.jethro? are you okay? jethro looked up at jess with tiredness in his eyes,i'm fine jess.  jessica stood up and looked at jethro giving him the famous "gibbs" stare. jess, when you look at me like that it reminds me of when my dad was angry and gave me that look when i did something wrong. i learned from the best jethro. touché jess, but i will be fine. jethro wrapped his arms around jessica's waist, i love you jess. i love you too jethro, what kept you up so late sweetheart? i was working on your birthday gift. jessica kissed jethro on the cheek. how did i get so lucky with you? luck of the draw jess, jethro said jokingly. jethro you really should go back to bed, you look like hell. i know sweetheart but i need to finish working on your birthday gift. jethro gave jess a quick kiss and went down to the basement to finish her birthday gift. "i sure do love him, but he sure is a stubborn person." when jethro sat down on the chair in the basement he sighed. " jess is right about me needing more sleep but if i go to sleep now, her birthday gift won't get finished." jethro got to work on her gift, and when he was finished he smiled with satisfaction. " i hope jessica likes her gift, i can't wait to give it to her." just as he finished cleaning up his mess, his phone rang and he saw ducky's name flash across the screen.
hi duck, how are you?
i'm doing well jethro, how are you and jess?
we are doing well.
jethro, are you alright? you sound like hell.
i got an hour of sleep, but i'm fine.
jethro, you really should go back to bed and get some rest.
jess told me the same thing, but i can't.
why not? an hour of sleep is not good for you jethro.
i have so much work to do duck, i just can't.
you are so damn stubborn jethro, surely your work can wait.
sorry duck man. housework can't wait.
leroy jethro gibbs, if you don't get some more rest today, i will have to come over there to your house and whoop you with my broom.
yes sir, bye duck. see you later tonight. love you!
see you later tonight, love you too jethro!
jethro walked into the kitchen and emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it. jessica walked in and smiled at the sight before her. she walked to where jethro was and wrapped her arms around him. jethro, go back to sleep. the house work can wait. jethro put his left arm around jessica. i know pretty girl, but i didn't want you to have to do all of it especially since it's your birthday today. speaking of which, happy birthday jess. thank you jethro. you seem a little bit happier than you did this morning, what changed your mood? ducky called and i talked to him for awhile. how is ducky? he's doing well, i had a really nice conversation with him. he went into dad mode and threatened to come over here and whoop me with his broom if i didn't get some more rest today. sounds like something he would do, i could just save him the time and do it myself though jessica said jokingly. jess you wouldn't? jethro replied jokingly. no i wouldn't, but it sure did make you smile. it sure did. i promise to get more sleep when i'm finished with the dishes and cleaning the house. okay, love you jethro. love you too jess. after jethro was done with the dishes, he did the last load of laundry and then cleaned the whole entire house. after completed the house work, jethro sat on the couch and admired the view outside. jessica walked in and sat next to him. jethro put his arm around jess. it sure is a beautiful view we have today. it sure is. are you okay sweetheart? i'm okay jess, i was just about to head up to our room and get more sleep but i got distracted by this breathtaking view. once jessica got jethro settled in bed, she went to the living room and watched an episode of 24. after 8 hours, jethro woke up from his nap. he went down to the living room and sat with jess and watched 24 with her. how do you feel jethro? i feel much better, that nap helped a lot. "ring" i'll get it. jethro walked to the door and saw ducky standing there. he opened the door and hung ducky's coat and hat for him. how are you feeling jethro? i'm feeling much better. that good to hear. jess threatened me with the broom as well. hello ducky, it's nice to see you. hello jess, happy birthday. thanks duck man. after a delicious dinner, jethro, jessica and ducky sat and watched the sun set. after a couple of hours, ducky bid his farewell and headed home. close your eyes jess. they are closed. jethro handed jessica her gift, you can open them now. jessica opened her eyes and had a look of pure excitement. jethro it's absolutely beautiful, thank you. you're welcome jess, i'm glad you like it. how did you know i needed a new jewelry box? i overheard you talking to ellie the other day. jessica wrapped her arms around jethro and kissed him. thank you for making this a great birthday to remember. you're welcome. i love you jethro. i love you too jess. jethro kissed jessica again. the song lucky by jason mraz came on. may i have this dance jess? of course jethro. as jethro and jessica danced, jethro thought " i sure am blessed beyond measure to have jessica in my life. i don't know what i would do without her."  after the song was over jessica and jethro headed to bed for the night. good night jethro, love you. good night jess, love you too.

i hope you enjoy reading this chapter. if you have any suggestions for the next chapter, leave your ideas in the comments. no hateful comments are allowed!

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