bad news

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it was only 9:04 in the morning and jethro's day was not any better than it was the day before, it all started yesterday when jethro was realizing that they were not any closer to finding who killed sergeant lucas devereaux then they were 2 months ago. as he walked into his living room he thought to himself
"at some point in time me and my team have to figure out who killed sergeant lucas devereaux because if not his killer will roam about d.c killing others." jethro was really determined to figure out who it was that was responsible for this horrible crime even if it took him years to figure it out. deciding not to dwell on it any longer jethro decided to head to work and get started on figuring out who was the evil person responsible for the death of sergeant lucas. when he walked into the ncis building he was surprised to see ducky waiting for him at his desk. what are you doing here so early in the morning duck? ducky looked at him with a worried expression and said i figured out where the slug in our young sergeants head came from. where is it from duck? kasie matched it with the slug that agent mcgee found at the crime scene 2 months ago and it belongs to ms.fletcher's .45 caliber weapon. as jethro was listening to what ducky was telling him he thought "this is not going to be easy to tell ms.fletcher." jethro are you okay? to be honest ducky no i'm not. how can i help? ducky asked. i know that i don't say this to you often duck but i need your advice. my advice to you jethro is to be the honest,brave and loyal person that i know you are capable of being and not to worry because i know that you and your wonderful team will solve this case. thank you duck for always giving such great advice. your welcome jethro, i will always be here for you. now i have the unfortunate task of telling ms.fletcher that i have to bring her here for questioning. jethro you will be just fine, if you continue standing here and continue with your whining i might just have to get my broom from autopsy and whoop you with it. "yes oh great and wise duck man" what is that look for duck? you know jethro i sometimes wonder if you aren't starting to turn into former ncis agent anthony dinozzo. don't worry duck i wasn't saying it to anger you, in all honesty it made my mood better then it was when i woke up this morning. oh alright jethro, now you quit standing here and go get your team and inform ms.fletcher of what we found. "yes father dearest." leroy jethro gibbs! am i in trouble duck? you hardly ever use my full name. i'm sorry jethro, i shouldn't have overreacted like that, i'm just as frustrated as you, timothy, ellie and nick are. normally i would tell you don't apologize because it's a sign of weakness but seeing as how you are upset i do not  think that will be such a good idea. it's alright jethro don't worry about it, nowadays i'm becoming an old grouch. donald horatio mallard! don't ever say that! you aren't old, you are a very wise man who i have the wonderful fortune of calling not only one of my best friends but also my second father. thanks jethro for the kind words, that made my morning a whole lot better. you're welcome duck, now i need to go inform my team of what today's mission is. jethro wait, what if our suspicions are right and ms.fletcher is actually the one who killed sergeant lucas devereaux. if our suspicions are right duck then me and my team will have the unfortunate task of arresting her. after his long conversation with ducky jethro met with agents mcgee,bishop and torres and told them of today's mission. boss what will happen to ms.fletcher if she is the evil person who committed this terrible crime? well guys if she is indeed the evil person who did this then she will be sentenced to life in prison with out the possibility of parole. bishop looked at jethro and said boss if she isn't the person who did this then we will be at another dead end like we were last week. i know ellie but we have to hold out hope if we want to complete investigation. yes boss we understand. grab your gear and let's go. as they arrived at ms.fletcher's house jethro thought to himself "i hope for her sake and my teams sake that she is not the person who did this." right before jethro and his team could announce who was at the door it opened and there stood a very distressed jessica fletcher. y'all are here with bad news aren't y'all? jethro looked at jessica and said i'm sorry to inform you of this ms. fletcher but the slug that was in sergeant lucas devereaux's head was traced to your .45 caliber weapon. jessica gasped in shock and said it cannot be true agent gibbs because i was certain that i had locked it in my safe the night that he was killed. mcgee said i am sorry ms.fletcher but unfortunately we have to bring you in for questioning. alright agent mcgee if i have must. back at ncis jessica sat in the interrogation room and thought to herself " jessica beatrice fletcher what the heck have you got yourself into? before she could answer herself the door opened and jethro sat right across from her. ms.fletcher where were you the night that sergeant devereaux was killed? i was at home asleep agent gibbs. did you get your gun and kill sergeant devereaux? no i most certainly did not! i understand that you are very upset ms.fletcher but i have to ask you these questions. call me jessica agent gibbs. call me jethro jessica. jethro i know that you have to ask me these questions but surely you don't think that i am responsible for lucas' death? how is it that you know his first name jessica? i never said his first name. he is my nephew jethro. jessica i am so sorry, i had absolutely no idea. it's alright jethro, i should have been honest with you when you came to talk to me 2 months ago. jessica did lucas have any enemies? not that i know of jethro, lucas was such a kind person who was always helping anyone who needed it. if you have anymore information that can help with this investigation jessica don't hesitate to call me, here is my card with my number. thank you jethro, if i found out anything else i will let you know. i'll walk you to your car, i don't want to chance your nephews killer getting ahold of you. thank you jethro, it was nice meeting you again. when they got to jessica's car jessica hugged jethro and said thank you again for everything you and your team are doing to help find my nephews killer. you're welcome jessica, i will keep you updated as we find out more about it. after he was done for the day jethro finally got home and sat in his bed thinking to himself " jessica sure is pretty but i shouldn't be thinking that, i need to be thinking about this case and helping her find out who killed her nephew but then again i cannot stop thinking about what a pretty lady she is."  with that happy thought in his mind jethro drifted off to sleep dreaming of the pretty lady that he could not get out of his mind.

i hope that this first chapter is as entertaining to y'all as it was to me while i was writing it. any ideas for the second chapter are welcome but please no hateful comments.
- anna

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