case finally solved

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today jethro woke up and thought about the hectic events that happened last week " i could have ended up losing jess if i had not got to her house fast enough, even though i haven't known her that long, or the fact that we have only been a couple for 6 months, jess is my world. my team and i need to solve this case not only for our sake but also for hers." now that he had that thought over, he got ready for the day. once he was ready for the day jethro headed to ncis headquarters. when he got there he saw ducky waiting for him. seeing ducky looking peeved he said what's bothering you " oh great one" the fact that mr.miller continues to deny he had anything to do with sergeant devereaux's death and the fact that we still aren't any closer to solving his death. duck don't beat yourself up over this, we will eventually solve it. thanks for the encouragement jethro. you're welcome duck, if you find out anything new about this let me know. i sure will jethro, i have no doubt that you and your team will solve this. after he was done talking to ducky jethro was just about to go visit jess when all of a sudden ellie ran in and almost knocked him over. ellie are you okay? i'm so sorry gibbs, i'm alright but you need to go get jess. why what's wrong? i just left the hospital after checking on her and i saw mrs.miller heading to her room and it looked suspicious, i know how close you two are and i didn't want you to worry. thanks ellie, i will head that way now. be safe gibbs, i will keep an eye on mrs.miller and let you know if anything happens. i'll be alright ellie and thank you. as soon as he got to the hospital jethro headed straight to jess's room. jess are you alright? yes jethro, i just had a visit from mrs.miller and it scared the hell out of me. what happened jess? she started asking me all sorts of questions about the case and i found it strange considering the fact that i didn't say a damn thing to her about it. ellie is keeping an eye on her and said she would keep me updated on laurel miller. jethro, it's like i asked before, what if they come after me again? i won't let them, if worse comes to worse jess, i will sacrifice my own life to save yours. jethro that's brave of you to do that but i refuse to lose you that way. jess, i insist that you stay at my house until this is over. jethro i don't want to put you out because of this. you won't be putting me out at all, it's no problem either. after signing jess's discharge papers, he and jessica headed back to his house. nice house jethro. thanks jess, i have to head back to ncis, don't hesitate to call if you need anything. don't worry jethro, i'll call you if anything happens, love you. love you too jess, he gave her a quick hug and kiss and headed back to ncis. once he got back, he sat down at his desk and began reviewing the information that ellie had given him yesterday. ellie walked into the squad room and saw jethro really concentrated on his work. how's jess gibbs? jethro looked up and saw the concerned look on her face. she's doing much better, the visit from laurel miller scared her but other than that she is doing better. if there is anything i can do to help let me know gibbs. don't worry ellie i will. gibbs can i ask you something? go right ahead. are you okay? you seem really tense and you look like you haven't had much sleep. jethro's heart sunk when ellie began to cry. he embraced her in a hug and said, thanks for the concern ellie bell, i'm tense because i want this case to be solved and i haven't had much sleep because all of my focus has been on this case. ellie said i love you too much to let anything bad happen, you're like a second dad to me and if anything were to happen to you half of my heart would be gone. ellie eventually everything will be just fine, i love you too. ellie gave jethro a kiss on the cheek and went to work on solving this case. just as he was about to call jess to check on her, his phone began to ring. gibbs, come to the interrogation room quickly! gibbs looked to see who he was talking to and realized it was his boss leon. as soon as gibbs got to the interrogation room, leon told him everything that had happened so far. gibbs, i strongly believe that andrew miller is innocent. what makes you think that leon? when agent bishop was interrogating him just now he confessed to noticing is wife acting really strange leading up to sergeant devereaux's death. what did he tell bishop leon? he said that he started noticing laurel acting weird the day before sergeant devereaux's death and he also noticed that his gun was missing after the day of the murder. he also said that on the day of the murder laurel came home covered in blood and that she said she was in an accident. did she say anything else to him. she said that when we was talking to him that she also noticed jess looking their direction and that she wanted to continue talking to him inside. that would explain jess's suspicion when laurel came to visit her in the hospital. jethro, when did this visit happen? today leon, jess is at my house and i specifically told her to call if she needs anything. jethro, you and your team need to go to your house now. why leon? jethro if you don't then you run the risk of loosing jess again. what the hell leon? jethro andrew miller said that today his wife called him and told him that she was going to have a chat with jess but that she was acting weird about it when she was talking to him. oh hell leon, did he say anything else? he said that sergeant devereaux discovered that laurel miller was receiving money from an offshore account in dallas from a man named peter crenshaw. mr.miller also said that laurel was gone from 6:00pm-8:00pm on the night of the murder, meaning that from the time that she was gone she could have committed the murder and had enough time to frame jess. i'll bring her in for questioning. before you go jethro you should know that he also admitted to laurel telling him that she was going to visit jess today. oh damn, that means she is going to go to my house because that's where jess is. as soon as he was done talking to leon jethro called his team to the squad room and let them know the situation. mcgee could tell that jethro was highly concerned for jess's safety. boss i know that right now everything isn't okay but eventually it will be. thanks mcgee, now grab your gear and let's go. on your six boss. as soon as they arrived at his house they immediately knew that jess was in danger. mcgee and torres take the backside, bishop your with me. as jethro and ellie walked in they saw laurel pointing jess's.45 caliber gun at her, laurel don't do anything stupid. laurel turned around and said agent gibbs how did you find out. your husband confessed to agent bishop about everything that happened. i should have gotten rid of him after i got rid of lucas, i couldn't let him tell andrew what was going on with me and peter. you didn't have to resort to killing an innocent man laurel. why frame jess and your husband for what you did? laurel said i knew eventually you ncis people would figure it out and i wasn't willing to risk losing everything that i had worked hard for, 12 years of marriage to andrew sucked the joy out of me but when i was with peter it was a fresh start. i guess now your here to tell me i'm going to jail. you got that right laurel. after laurel was taken into custody jethro, his team and jess were grateful that the case was finally solved. after an eventful day jethro arrived home. when he walked in he saw jess sitting in the living room. i thought you went home jess. i did but then i came back to tell you thank you for everything you and your team did to help me find who killed lucas. your welcome jess. until i met you jethro i never imagined that i would find happiness again. jess what made you pick me, i'm not always the easiest person to deal with. i'm just an ncis agent who spends his free time in the basement with bourbon who builds these projects. jethro no matter what you did i would choose you every time. jess hugged jethro and then looked at him and said no matter how stubborn you are jethro i will always love you. jethro kissed jess and said i know that i've only known you for 6 months but will you do me the honor of becoming mrs.gibbs? yes jethro i will, a thousand times yes. i love you jess, i love you too jethro. after a nice dinner with jess, jethro went to bead dreaming of the beautiful woman who would be his wife.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter. any suggestions are welcome for the next chapter, no hateful comments please.

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