first thanksgiving together

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jethro woke up with excitement. "this will be my first thanksgiving married to jessica." jethro dear, what has got you acting so excited? it will be our first thanksgiving together, i'm beyond excited about it. me too, what are the plans for thanksgiving? that's what i'm trying to figure out. in all of the excitement that i have had about this, i completely forgot to think of what we could do. what do you think of having everyone come here for thanksgiving? i think that is a great idea jess. jethro kissed jessica and then jumped out of bed with excitement. jethro be careful. jethro ran down the stairs and ran into the kitchen, made a pot of coffee and began writing a list of what thanksgiving items were needed. jessica walked in and laughed. what's so funny jess? jethro asked with confusion. you are dear, i've never seen you this excited about something. i can't help it, one it's my first thanksgiving being married to you and two i just love thanksgiving in general. jessica walked over to where jethro was and wrapped her arm around his neck. i haven't seen you this excited since the day you proposed and the day of our wedding. i feel like a giddy school boy, it brings back memories from when i actually was a school boy. jessica kissed jethro's temple, i love you. i love you too jess. jessica walked into the living room and turned the tv to the christmas music channel. jess? yes dear. how many days are there until thanksgiving? there is eight days left sweetheart. thanks jess. you're welcome jethro. jessica sat down on the couch and was about to read a christmas carol, when her phone rang, she saw ducky's name appear on the screen.

good morning jessica, i do apologize if i woke you up.
your fine ducky, how are you?
i'm doing really well, how are you and jethro?
we are doing really well.
that's good to hear.
if you aren't busy on thanksgiving day, would you like to come to our house for thanksgiving?
i would love to, have a good day.
you too ducky

after jessica was done talking to ducky, she called ellie.

hello jess
hello ellie, how are you?
i'm doing great jess. how are you and jethro?
we are doing well. if you aren't busy on thanksgiving would you like to come to our house for thanksgiving?
i would love to, see y'all then.
bye ellie
bye jess

after jessica called ellie, she dialed nick's number.

hello jess
hello nick, how are you?
i'm doing well, how are you and jethro?
we are doing well. if you aren't busy would you like to come to our house for thanksgiving?
i would love to jess, see y'all then.
bye nick
bye jess
after jess was done talking to ducky, ellie and nick she called tim.

hello jess, how are you and jethro?
we are doing well. if you, delilah and the kids aren't busy on thanksgiving would y'all like to come to our house for thanksgiving?
we would love to, see y'all then.
bye tim
bye jess

after jessica was done talking to tim,ellie,nick and ducky, she went back into the kitchen. who all is coming jess? nick, ellie, tim,delilah and their kids, and ducky. that sounds great, if we get the shopping done today, then we won't have to worry about trying to do everything last minute. sounds good. jessica went upstairs and got ready for the day. after she was done she put on one of jethro's ncis hoodies. she looked out the window and saw that it was beginning to snow. jethro walked in and saw jessica looking out the window. are you ready to go sweetheart? i'm ready when you are. jethro walked over to where jess was and wrapped his arm around her waist. i see you found an ncis hoodie. i sure did. you can keep it if you want. thank you jethro.jethro held out his hand for jessica, she intertwined her fingers with his. when they got to the store, they began the process of shopping for thanksgiving. jessica began to hum to christmas music. jethro smiled, it made his heart happy to see jessica in a good mood. after getting everything that they needed they headed to the check out. when they got home jethro helped jessica put away everything. jethro sat on the couch and looked at the snow outside. jessica sat next to jethro. it looks beautiful. jethro wrapped his arm around jessica. it reminds me of when i was just a kid, my mom and i would always go and have a snowball fight ,afterwards we would get hot chocolate and binge watch christmas movies. then let's go sweetheart. go where jess? let's go have a snowball fight. sounds like fun jess, love you. love you too jethro. once they were outside jethro got a snowball and threw it at jessica. jessica laughed and threw one back at jethro. after a long time of playing in the snow jethro and jessica sat in the living room with their hot chocolate and watched christmas movies. it was the day before thanksgiving and jethro was enthusiastic. jess? yes jethro. do we have everything for tomorrow? yes dear, i made sure of that this morning. i've been so excited about tomorrow that i didn't even stop to think about that. don't worry jethro, we have everything for tomorrow. after a long day jethro and jessica went to bed. good night jess, love you. good night jethro, love you too. the next morning jessica and jethro were busy preparing everything for thanksgiving. just as jethro was about to put the pumpkin pies in the oven to cook, the door bell rang. i'll get jess. jethro walked to the front door and saw ducky standing out in the cold weather. come in ducky, it's good to see you. it's good to see you to jethro, happy thanksgiving jethro. happy thanksgiving ducky. jessica walked in, happy thanksgiving ducky. happy thanksgiving jess. jessica hugged ducky. after awhile the doorbell rang again. ducky looked up from preparing the turkey, i'll get it. he went to the door and saw tim, delilah, johnny, and morgan. morgan ran to ducky and hugged him. happy thanksgiving grand ducky. happy thanksgiving morgan. after awhile the door bell rang again. i'll get it morgan said. she ran to the door and was greeted by ellie and nick. after awhile thanksgiving dinner was ready. everyone gathered at the dining room table. after everyone was done eating, they all retreated to the living room and visited for a long time. at the end of the day after everyone had left, jessica went to the kitchen to put everything away. jethro went to help her. happy thanksgiving jess. happy thanksgiving jethro. today sure was fun jess. it sure was jethro. after they had gotten everything put away jessica and jethro retreated to their room. jess? yes jethro. thanks for helping make this a wonderful thanksgiving. you're welcome jethro. jethro had a look of hurt on his face. jethro are you okay? i'm still trying to figure out who shot me. you have one hell of a team jethro, eventually you guys will figure it out. i know, but it still bothers me that we haven't gotten to that point yet. jethro looked away from jess. jethro, look at me sweetheart. jethro looked back at jess. you are one of the strongest people i know, eventually it will be figured out. don't stress over it. thank you for the words of encouragement jess. you're welcome jethro. jethro and jessica retreated to their room. good night jess, love you. good night jethro, love you too. jethro drifted off to sleep, knowing that eventually the person who caused him to have this injury would be caught.

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. no hateful comments are allowed. if you have any ideas for the next chapter please feel free to leave them in the comments.

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