jethro's return to ncis

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it was 5:00 in the morning and special agent leroy jethro gibbs woke up with excitement. "today is the day i can return to working with my amazing team." jethro got out of bed quietly so he wouldn't wake up jessica. jethro walked into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. after getting ready for the day jethro sat on the couch and looked out the living room window to admire the beautiful view, even though it was still dark outside. he was about to read a book when all of a sudden his phone started ringing, he saw ducky's name flash across the screen.

good morning jethro, i'm sorry if i woke you up by calling.
your fine ducky, i've been up since 5:00 this morning.
how are you feeling?
i'm starting to feel much better.
that's great, we all miss you here at ncis.
i miss you guys too.
is there a lead on the case yet?
no, i'm starting to wonder if it will turn out like sergeant devereaux's case.
i hope it doesn't, but if does, one way or another we will get this case solved.
i'll see you when you get here, love you jethro.
i look forward to returning today, love you too ducky.

he was about to head to the door when jessica walked into the living room. i'm sorry if i woke you up jess. it's fine, how are you feeling? i'm starting to feel much better. jethro kissed jessica, don't worry jess, i'm going to be just fine. i know you are but it still scares me to think that something could happen to you again. i won't let anything happen to me, if anyone tries to hurt me, they will have to get past my team and ducky and his broom. jessica laughed, have a great day. you too jess, i love you. i love you to jethro. jethro got in the car and headed to ncis. when he got there he was greeted by his team. welcome back boss. thanks mcgee. where are we so far on this case? ellie was the first one to respond to jethro, so far we are pretty much still at the same spot in the case as we were last week. we've been working day and night to try and find out something new that could help us solve this case but so far we've come up empty handed every time. we will just have to keep trying harder. one way or another we will solve this case. nick was the second one to respond. we talked to petty officer taylor's ex boyfriend nathan and he said that he noticed that something was off with her the last time she visited with him. did he say what it was that was off about her? no, he tried to get taylor to talk to him but she wouldn't say what was wrong, ducky did find a bullet from a 38 caliber revolver that was lodged into her abdomen. what else did ducky and jimmy find? they also noticed that she had bruises on her. keep looking and see if y'all can find anything new. yes boss. jethro headed down to autopsy to see ducky. hello jethro, it's nice to see you back at work. it's nice to be back, did you find anything else during the autopsy? besides the bruises and the bullet, no i did not. i have however been trying to figure out how she acquired the bruises on her body. it's possible that they are from a jealous ex boyfriend. that has been one possibility that me and mr.palmer have been pondering. i'll let you know if we find out anything new. thanks ducky. no problem jethro. jethro walked back into the bullpen and saw tim,ellie and nick hard at work. mcgee was the first one to notice that gibbs was back. boss i think we might have found something that could be helpful. ellie turned on the screen. we discovered that nathan was supposed to meet with taylor on the night that she died. nick chimed into the conversation, boss i just found something new. what is it nick? i just discovered that nathan thompson has been receiving money from an offshore account in wisconsin. put out a bolo on him. yes boss. after along day of working jethro sent his team home and then headed to the flower shop and bought a bouquet of red roses for jessica. when jethro got home he saw jessica in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. he walked up behind jessica, and kissed her cheek. jessica jumped. i'm sorry i scared you. your fine sweetheart, how was your day? it was good, we got a lot accomplished today. i have a surprise for you, close your eyes sweetheart. jessica closed her eyes. jethro put the roses in front of him, you can open your eyes now. jessica opened her eyes and smiled. they are beautiful jethro, thank you. your welcome sweetheart. jessica kissed jethro. i love you jess. i love you too jethro. how was your day jess? it was great. how are you feeling jethro? other than being tired, i'm feeling pretty good. when jethro laid down, he thought about today's events and realized that come hell or high water that he and his team would solve this case sooner or later. jethro eventually drifted off into a deep sleep anticipating what was to come the following day.

i hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. remember that mean comments are not allowed.

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