Part 1

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“You should meet him! He has worked for Joss and apparently he is a really nice guy”, Nathan said while playing with his new iPhone. The relationship Nathan had with that phone was probably the most emotional relationship he had ever shared with anyone or anything.

“Arrrgh…. I am so tired of these set-ups. Maybe I just want to be alone”, I said. But Nathan knew me too well. He knew that I was not able to trust guys. To two men I had truly ever loved in my life had both broken my heart and I had decided never to give my heart to a man again.

“Mira, I know you. You say you don’t want anything to do with romance and love, but then you spend your free time watching romantic movies in your bed. You probably go through several packages of tissues a night”, Nathan said, finally facing me. He looked at me with so much compassion and love – I almost wish I could love him in the romantic way. I knew he would never harm me, never break my heart. At first I had tried, tried to love him as more than a friend. But maybe it was the age difference that did not spark any romantic emotions in me – he was more like a brother to me than a lover. I saw the smile starting to creep to his face. He was probably able to hear the wheels turning in my head. Would it do any hard to spend a night with some random guy I’ve never met? He would probably turn up to be one of those extremely pompous dick heads you meet at L.A. parties. But at least then Nathan could not say that I did not do anything. I guess I had nothing to lose.

“Fine, I will go”, I said. Nathan looked triumphant. I just rolled my eyes to him, cracked a little smile and walked towards the kitchen of my brand new apartment. Just as I reached the fridge, I heard Nathan’s precious iPhone ringing. “Nathan Fillion”, he said and moved away from the living room, probably to the garden outside to talk with whoever called him.

Things were really going well for me professionally. After graduating from film school, I had applied for an internship in L.A. Miraculously I ended up working with the people involved in the production of ‘Doctor Horrible’s Sing-a-long blog and that is how I met both Joss Whedon and Nathan. After that I got involved in several different projects, paid my student loan, bought my own place and now I am working with Joss and Nathan on Much Ado About Nothing. During the filming of Doctor Horrible I really befriended Nathan and we started to spend a lot of time together and we have been best friends since. It has been great to actually have someone to talk to, someone just to hang around with. For the past couple of months he has been trying to hook me up with different guys, saying that it is time for me to move on and be happy. I have had a couple of dates, but they have all ended up sucking. I was almost completely sure the date Nathan was now talking about wouldn’t be any better.

“So, are you up for the date extraordinaire tonight?”, Nathan asked as he walked to the kitchen, the phone glued to his hand, “I could text Joss and ask for his details”.

“Nathan, I promise I will go tonight, but after this I am done.”, I said as I opened the Vitamin Water bottle I had just picked out from the fridge.

“Yeah, well, of course you will be done, because this will be the one, I am sure about that”, Nathan said while he texted, supposedly texting to Joss at the same time, asking for the details of this “amazing guy”.

“Oh, that is so cheesy… Maybe you should go on a date with him if he really is that awesome”, I said and smacked Nathan softly.

“Oh, I wish.” Nathan said. Just then his phone beeped and a smug expression entered to his face.

“Okay, he will be here to pick you up at 6.30. Joss had told him about you and according to Joss he is excited to meet you.” Nathan said and started to pick out his stuff from the kitchen. He had to be in a meeting in 30 minutes. “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, his name is Tom. He played Loki in Joss’s Avengers”. 

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