part 2

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It was 6.25 and I was running late. I had no interest on the date, not at all. Of course I knew who he was – Tom from the Avengers. I had seen him at the Avengers premiere, but only from afar. He probably is a completely nice guy and if I remember right, he was not bad looking either, but for some reason I just had a bad taste about the date. Of the things I do just to amuse Nathan…

As I was bustling through the apartment trying to look for my phone I heard the doorbell ringing. Great, he was here. I walked to the door, gave a little pep talk to myself in my head and opened the door.

“Hey… You must me Mira”, Tom said, holding his hand out for a handshake. I was completely mesmerized. This guy was a lot better looking than I remembered. In an couple of seconds I was able to snap away from the haze and I gave him my hand.

“Yeah, nice to meet you Tom. Do you mind stepping in just for a sec, I really need to find my phone”, I said, opening the door further so he could come in.

“Yeah, for sure”, he said and stepped in to the hallway, “nice place, very impressive”, he added, looking at the stairs that led to the upstairs.

“Oh, thank you. It’s my first own place, also my first time living alone”, I said, walking towards the kitchen in an attempt to find my phone. Tom followed my lead, looking around the apartment.

“Would you like something to drink? Water, soda, juice?” I asked while grapping a water bottle to my purse.

“No thank you, I’m okay”, he said. His accent was to die for – in some sense very posh, but the way he held himself told that he is not a pompous ass. Maybe the smile that was plastered to his face had something to do with the impression I got of him.

“I cannot believe I lost my phone again… Well, I will look for it when I get back”, I said and took my purse from the kitchen island.

“We can look for it if you want to, no rush”

“No, it’s alright. It is probably upstairs or something. I can manage without. Should I take my own car, or will you drive me back”, I said to Tom, walking towards the hallway.

“I will drive you back, if that is alright with you.”

“That’s perfect, let’s go!”

The car ride to the restaurant was surprisingly non-awkward. Tom asked me about my job, and I asked him about his. I was really impressed with the projects he had been involved in and we ended up talking about Shakespeare for a good while. His points started to rise when I noticed that he had decided to take me my favourite restaurant. There was no way he could have known that I love that place.

“Tom, I love this place. Impressive choice”, I said as Tom gave his keys to the valet.

“I always come here when I am in L.A. The chicken burritos are to die for.”, he said and laughed. He had the weirdest, but also the most heart-warming laugh I had ever heard. When he laughed, you just had to laugh with him.


“What can I get you? Today’s special is the chicken soup and for dessert we have the lover’s chocolate cake for two”, the young, pimple faced waitress said enthusiastically. She was a new one, I had not seen her at the restaurant before. She was booming, looking at Tom with so much awe. All I could think about at that moment were the days of my own fangirling – funnily enough all of those feelings this girl now probably felt were once targeted towards Nathan due to my obsession with Firefly. I almost wished I could look at a man with that much adoration again.

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