Part 7

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I was still coming down from the high I got from that little cheek graze and the soft whisper saying thank you when Joss came and put his arms around Mira from the behind.

“Mira, once again, thank you so much for the singing, it was better than I expected”, he said, smiling.

“You are more than welcome! I hope you and Kai are having fun”, Mira said and smiled for Joss. Her smile was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

“We are. I hope you two are having fun too”, Joss said and winked.

“I am having the time of my life”, Mira said and smiled at me. She took my hand into hers and squeezed it softly. It felt so natural, exactly like something I would like to feel for the rest of my life.

“I knew that you two would hit it off”, Joss said and patted Tom on the back. After that he gave a kiss to Mira’s cheek and went back to Kai.

A slow music started to play from the speakers. I looked down at Mira. The soft light hit to her brown hair and her eyes looked darker than usual. She smiled at me, took my hand and put it to her waist.

“Tom, dance with me”, she said and placed her hand on my arm. I pulled her closer to my body and she placed her head on my shoulder.

“Tom, I meant it when I said that I have had the time of my life tonight”, she said quietly. She looked up at me and I softly placed my other hand on her cheek.

“Mira, trust me, this has been an amazing night for me as well”.


By 2am the final guests were leaving. I had spent the rest of the night with Tom, dancing and just talking. It was so incredibly easy to talk to him and it felt like we were interested about same things. Usually I drank in these parties, at least a little, but I by the end I noticed that neither of us had had a drink. Usually in these parties you had to be a little bit tipsy to blend in with the people. But with Tom I was able to be myself completely.

“Joss, do you know where Nathan is”, I asked Joss as she passed me with Kai.

“I think he left a while ago”, he said and continued saying goodbye to the guests.

“Just great”, I muttered and started to look for my phone from my purse.

“My I interest you in a ride home?” I heard a voice saying from behind me. Goosebumps went all over my body. It was Tom and his gorgeous British accent. “I drove myself here, did not really think I would stay this long. I am more than happy to drive you home”, he said and smiled, his eyes glowing in the dim light.

“Thank you, that sounds great! I was supposed to take a cab with Nathan but apparently he left without me.” I said and hooked my arm with the one Tom was offering for me.

“No problem, it will be my pleasure”, he said and started to escort me to his car.


We continued our conversation about Shakespeare on the drive back to Mira’s place. Her favourite play was Macbeth, whereas mine is Othello: we had started to compare the plays before at the party, but we now continued talking about the characters and the elements of the tragedy. Mira was extremely intelligent and what I liked most about our conversation was the fact that she was not afraid to disagree with me. I was bummed when I realized that we were already back at her place.

I stopped the car on the drive way and helped Mira get out from the car. I closed the passenger seat door and was surprised when I saw Mira standing behind me. She had not made a move towards her house door.

“Mira, I had really good time tonight”, I said and offered her my hand with a smile on my face.

She looked at my hand, placed her own hand to it and looked up at me. Her hand was so small, so delicate. I spread my fingers around it and looked at her. She started to move closer towards me and went for a hug.

“Tom, thank you for this night!” she mumbled quietly to my chest. We just stayed there, hugging each other for a while. I lifted her hand I was holding to my chest and felt my heart beating faster than was normal.

“Would you like to come in, just for a drink or something”, she said. I had not expected to be invited in. I knew it did not necessarily mean that we would hook up – as weird as it sounds, I actually hoped that it would not happen yet. I wanted it to be something special, it if were ever to happen. But I really did want to go in, just to continue the conversation a bit longer.

“Tom, planet earth is calling” Mira said and I snapped away from my thoughts. “I totally get if you don’t want to come in. It is late and you must be tired and you know…” Mira kept going.

“No, I would love to come in. Lead the way”, I said and placed my hand at the small of her back.

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