Part 6

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I felt Tom swallow hard. In an instant, I was in his embrace. He was holding me hard, but still gently. I let the tears fall. I had just told him about the hardest period of my life. I had been able to open myself up; I had told him more than I had told to Nathan, my best friend. I was grateful he did not say anything. I hated pity more than anything and I did not want him to pity me. I just wanted him to understand. I stayed in his embrace for a while longer. I wanted the wave of sadness to pass and be able to continue the party in happier mood. He knew everything now, and it was his decision if he even wanted to see me after all of this. I swallowed for the last time, got away from his arms and got up. He followed me and looked down at me as I was putting my shoes back on.

“Tom, thank you for listening”, I said, softly placing my hand on his arm.

“Thank you for telling me”, he said and looked into my eyes.

“You want to go back to the party? I bet Joss is already wondering where we are. And I know Nathan is there, telling everyone we are doing the dirty is a bush or something”, I said and laughed. I felt like I was able to be more of myself in his company now that he knew more about me.

Tom threw his head back and laughed. The curls of his hair swayed a little in the soft breeze.

“I think we should go and tell Nathan to stop spreading the rumors”, Tom said and gave me his arm, “my lady”. I hooked my arm into his and we walked back to the party.


“Miraaaaaaa….. Have you been a naughty girl”, I heard a guy yelling from across the room. As he started to approach us, I noticed it was Nathan Fillion. I had never met him before, but I was familiar with his work.

“You are an idiot”, Mira said and hugged Nathan, softly kissing his cheek.

“And you were amazing out there”, Nathan said with sincerity.

“Thank you! Nathan, this is Tom”, Mira said, pointing at me, “Tom, this is Nathan, the lunatic I told you about”.

“It is nice to meet you. Mira has told me about you. And Joss is quite a fan of you as well”, Nathan said and shook my hand.

“It is nice to meet you too, man. We just came inside to make sure you are not spreading rumors about us to the guests”, I said and looked at Mira who was laughing.

“Oh, just everyone not to go outside if they do not want to step into real-life porn film set”, Nathan said.

“Haha, so hilarious”, Mira said sarcastically.

“No but in all honesty man, Mira is awesome! You should consider yourself lucky”, Nathan said to me and winked. Then someone yelled to him and he left us standing there together.


“I’m sorry for Nathan, he can be such a tool sometimes. He probably thinks we are engaging in some weird animal sex and that we cannot keep our hands away from each other. He has very different views of relationships than me, but I still love him to death”, I said to Tom, extremely flustered. I was so embarrassed about the fact that Nathan had talked like me and Tom were dating or something. I hope Tom did not think I had said something like that to Nathan.

“Mira, you have to stop worrying about everything. I know it might be hard, I am a big worrier myself too. But promise me you will stop worrying, just for tonight, and have some fun”.

Just then the music started to play and Joss was calling everyone to the “dance floor”. They had actually settled a little dancefloor area to the room and there was a DJ and everything. The first song that blasted away from the speakers was the theme song for Ghostbusters.

“Oh my, this is just something I expected Joss to play at his parties”, I said and laughed. Tom just took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. His dance moves were hilarious – completely out of this world, but I think he was trying to make me laugh. I just looked at him for a while. He was so gorgeous. But it seemed like he was just not good looks like many people in the business – he was actually nice, kind and an extremely good listener. After what happened at the pool, I had started to like him even more.

Suddenly I felt Tom’s hands on my waist and he softly lifted me up, swinging me around to the beat of the song. When the song stopped, he put me down and laughed. I went on my tip toes, softly grazed his cheek with my lips and whispered to his ear.

“Thank you”

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