Part 8

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I opened the door and the light footsteps I had gotten used to in the past couple of weeks greeted me and Tom at the hallway. Nathan had bought me Wash, my puppy, as a late birthday present. It was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the most adorable thing I had ever seen.

“Hello baby”, I said and picked Wash to my arms. He started to lick my face and I started to laugh out loud. “Have you done a lot of damage here while I was gone?” I said and stroked his head softly. I was talking to him like a baby and then realized that Tom was looking at me, amused.

“Oh, I am sorry I forgot to mention this little fellow to you. I hope you are not allergic to dogs or anything”, I said to Tom.

“No, I love dogs. This little fella must be a new addition to your household”, Tom said and lifted Wash to his arms. Wash started instantly lick his face. I started to laugh. Wash was wiggling his tail fast and excited.

“Yeah, Nathan gave it to me as a present just couple days after we first met. I call him Wash”, I said.

“Hey Wash, you are so adorable. Have you been a good boy while you’re momma was away, have you?”, Tom said in the most adorable baby voice. He put Wash back down to the floor and followed me to the living room. Wash was right behind him, eagerly jumping against his leg.

“It seems that he has completely forgotten me and fallen in love with you”, I said as Tom sat down and Wash jumped to his lap.

“Oh Mira, don’t worry, I don’t think anyone who has had the privilege to meet you will be able to forget you”, he said and continued to rub Wash behind his air. He was in a very special dog paradise at that moment. I blushed and tried to cover it by turning around and looking busy with the curtains. I heard Tom chuckle and come towards me.

“Would you mind taking a picture of me and Wash. I want to share a picture of me and my new best friend on Twitter”, he said and handed me his phone. He took Wash to his arms and snuggled his adorable, smiling face next to Wash’s furry face.

“Smile”, I said. Tom flashed me the most adorable smile I had never seen and just then Wash licked his Tom on his nose. I started to laugh so hard I collapsed on the sofa and showed the picture to Tom. I had been able to capture the perfect moment.

“This picture is priceless!” Tom said joyfully and started to type of his phone. In about 30 seconds I got an alert to my own phone about a tweet in which I had been mentioned.

“Me and my new best friend. @MissMiraaaa, thank you for introducing me to this little fella”

“I cannot get over the fact how awesome that picture is”, I said and walked to the kitchen. I crapped some sodas and cupcakes with me and went back to the living room. “I hope you like diet coke, that is all I have now. And some cupcakes I baked last night.”

“Diet coke is great”, Tom said and took one of the cupcakes from the tray. “Hmm, this is really good”, he said after the first bite.


“Oh, thank you!” Mira said and started to nibble on one of the cupcakes. She got a bit of frosting to her nose. I yearned to go to her and clear it up but I just stared at her. After a while she looked at me.

“What?”, she said, amused.

“You gave some frosting on your face”. She started to clean her face but her fingers never got around to the point where the frosting was. I laughed and moved next to her to the sofa.

“May I”, I said.

“Yes, please”, she said and blushed a little. I wiped my finger to my pants and slowly placed it on her nose. I pulled the frosting away, took a Kleenex from my pocket and cleaned my finger with that. I was so tempted just to lick the frosting from my finger, but I thought did not want her to freak out. She was staring at me intensively.

“Is there frosting on my face as well?” I said a bit flustered. She just kept looking straight into my eyes. She was not smiling, but she looked happy. I was so tempted just to kiss her.

“Tom, your eyes…” she said quietly “they are so beautiful”. I looked at her and brushed the hair she kept on the side of her face behind her ear softly.

“Mira, you are beautiful”.

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