Part 9

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I just wanted him to kiss me. The moment he softly brushed my hair away from my face I wanted a kiss more than anything. It had been a while I had kissed anyone, so I really was yearning for it. Tom looked deep into my eyes. I knew he wanted it too; I was able to see it in his eyes. But for some reason he was hesitating – maybe it had something to do with what I told him at the party.

Suddenly I saw a small smile spreading to his face. He started to move further, but just then both of your phones started to beep. He moved his hand to my cheek, smiled in a way that told me that the situation was not over, and gave me my phone from the table.

I was so frustrated. I looked for the alert I had received and noticed that it was from Twitter. I had been tagged to several different tweets with Tom.

“Did you get the Twitter alert as well?” I said and looked at Tom.

“Yes… My plans are curiously tweeting about you”, he said and smiled at me.

“The Hiddlestoners”, I said before realizing what I just said.

“I see you know your fan terms”, Tom said, amused.

“It was actually Nathan who was familiar with your fans. “ I said and chuckled as I read through the tweets.

“Listen to this one by someone called LokisCape: @twhiddleston @MissMiraaaa the dog is so cute. Are you two a couple? And then there is one from someone called IloveTom: @MissMiraaaa, are you his girlfriend? The one he has been tweeting all of those love poems about?” I said.

“They are a curious group of awesome people”, he said and continued browsing through the tweets he had been mentioned in. I went back to Tom’s Twitter page and started to look for the love poems that actually several of the tweets had mentioned. It was true, he really had been posting love poems and love songs as his song of the day or poem of the day for like the past three weeks… Meaning they started after our date. There was a part of me that was dancing a victory dance, the same part that had been dreaming about the kiss. But the cynical, pessimistic side of me was present as well. It said that it might be just purely coincidental that  he had posted those poems just now – maybe he has just stumbled upon them and wanted to share them… Or maybe he just always read poetry like that and listened to love songs.

I was still in my own thoughts when Tom started to talk to me.

“Isn’t this Grace from the restaurant”, Tom said and showed me her phone with a Twitter page open on the screen. I took the phone from his hand and looked at the profile photo. It indeed was Grace, Cecelia’s niece.

“It is her. How did you find this?” I said and gave the phone back for Tom.

“She has tweeted about us”, Tom said and looked at me.

“What does it say?” I really hoped it was nothing embarrassing or mean. I know some of the fans are quite possessive of Tom. And I totally got it; I had been the same about celebrities when I was younger.

“’@twhiddleston @missmiraaaa looked like the perfect couple. I am so happy for Tom.’ And then there is another tweet that says ‘@missmiraaaa was such a sweetheart introducing me to Tom. Thank you, I owe you a burrito.’” Tom said. I swallowed hard. The words ‘perfect couple’ and ‘happy for Tom’ went through my thoughts.

“Well…… I guess she has jumped to conclusions about the dinner we had”, I said. I had no idea what to say.

“She is right about you being a sweetheart”, he said and moved closer to me on the sofa. My whole body was tingling with anticipation.

“I just wanted to give her some courage to talk to you. I know she would have regretted not talking to you”, I said, rambling. Suddenly I was nervous about Tom being so close to me. “Those girls look up to you; you might be their first love. They get interested about the things you like and they probably just wait for you to inform them what is happening in your life. If all of this social media had been around when I used to be obsessed with certain celebrities, I would have stalked them all the time, I am not even kidding.” Now I was really rambling. He was right next to me and his thigh brushed on mine. My legs were completely bare since I was wearing a pair of nice, dressy shorts and a top. I felt electricity go through my whole body.

“My fans, they are awesome! But I would like to talk about something else now”, he said and looked at me.

“And what is it that you would like to talk about”, I whispered and looked at him.

“I have been wanting to do something since I heard you singing tonight.”

 “Hmmm”, was the only thing I managed to get out of my mouth.

He faced me and stared into my eyes. He licked his lips and I just wanted to kiss him already.

“Mira, may I kiss you”, he said quietly. I looked at him silently and suddenly started to laugh hysterically. I had always used laughing as a way to hide my nervousness. And I was nervous, that was certain. But I also found the situation quite hilarious.

“Excuse me”, Tom said and got up. I took a hold of his hand and got up as well. Tom did not look at me at all – he probably thought I did not want what he wanted.

“Tom, please don’t be mad. I started to laugh because I am nervous but also because I find you simply adorable. I have never been asked a permission to be kissed.” I said, still holding his hand.

“I did not want to freak you out.”

“Tom, I know you are a gentleman, but for god’s sake, just kiss me now!”


The kiss lasted for a long time. Our phones kept beeping and Mira’s dog kept yanking my pants, but I just kept myself locked to Mira. The kiss went from soft, searching kiss to a passionate one. My body was on fire. When Mira untangled herself away from me and our lips separated, I was disappointed, but at the same time grateful for the possibility to get some air and settle down. The intensity of the kiss had surprised me.

“Wow”, Mira said and smiled at me. She softly put her hand through my curls and walked to the kitchen. I heard her humming quietly. She seemed happy. This night had turned out to be so much more than I expected. I had gone to the party looking for a closure, and now I felt that I got an opening – I wanted to spend time with Mira, to get to know her better. I took the dog to my arms and walked to the kitchen. Mira was rummaging through the freezer, eagerly looking for something.

“I am certain I had some ice-cream in here”, she said, disappointed when she closed the door without finding any.

“Mira, I want to take you on a proper date since I think that kiss meant that we both like each other”, I said nervously. I usually did not feel nervous around women, but Mira really made me feel the butterflies in my stomach.

She moved to the opposite side of the kitchen island and placed her elbows on it, looking me straight into my eyes.

“Oh, you think?” she said teasingly.

“Yes. And I want to be a proper gentleman and court you in a gentlemanly fashion” I said with a wink of an eye.

“I would like that”, she said and placed her hand on my cheek. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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