Part 3

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We rode in the car in silence. It wasn’t the awkward type of silence, it was actually pretty good silence. As Tom stopped the car at my drive way, he got out of his seat instantly. Did he really think I would invite him in? Not that I did not enjoy my night, quite the contrary. I just did not think that Tom and I would work together. And I was tired, my phone was still missing and I had to be at a meeting with Joss the next morning.

Tom walked to the other side of the car, opened my door and helped me out. He held my hand for a bit longer than was necessary, smiled that dazzling smile to me, the wind blowing a strand of his hair out of the order. Suddenly I got an urgent need to push that hair back to its place. But before I did anything drastic, Tom said: “I had a really good time tonight. Thank you so much! I hope we can do this again”.

I was taken aback by his words. He wanted to see me again.  And there was a part of me which screamed a want to see him again. But then there was that bigger part of me which revolted against anything like this. So, in order to out of the situation, I decided to put my shields up and attempt to be nice but at the same time distant. “I had a good time too. If I don’t see you anymore, good luck with everything”, I said, shook his hand awkwardly even though it was clear he was expecting a hug and went to my door and opened it. I gave him a one last smile before going in. Once the door was closed, the breathed out heavily. I was not sure was I more shocked about the fact that Nathan had hooked me up with a decent man or about the fact that there was a part in me that wanted to see him again.


Good luck with everything? A hand shake? As I left from her driveway, my head was filled with thoughts? Did I do something wrong? Didn’t she like me? Probably not as much as I liked her. She seemed so independent, certainly the type of person who has a plan for her future. Maybe a guy like me did not fit to that plan. Maybe she already had someone else in her life. I had asked her about Nathan – that was the point she probably laughed the most during the whole night. She explained that they are only friends, and that Nathan is more like a big brother to her. They for sure had a bit of a age difference. With all of the thoughts about her in my head I did not realize that I had already reached the condo I was renting. How I got there without concentrating at all on the driving amazed me. I guess Mira had got into my head way more than I first expected.


I was still in the hallway, thinking about the date, when I heard sounds from the kitchen.

“Miraaaaa, how was it?” a familiar voice yelled.

“Nathan, what the hell are you doing here?” I asked and stormed to the kitchen.

“I came here to return your phone. I took it when I left at the afternoon so you would not have a chance to call Tom and cancel the date for some stupid reason”, he said and handed me back my phone.

“You are an idiot”, I said, taking the phone from him.

“So, how was it? Did his British accent sweep you away from your feet? Are you now a Hiddlestoner?” he asked while he was going through my fridge.

“First of all, what is a Hiddlestoner?” I questioned Nathan.

“That is what his fans call themselves. Or Loki’s army”, Nathan said and started to munch of string cheese.

“The amount of useless trivia you are familiar with really amazes me on daily basis”, I said ignorantly.

“So, did you get HiddleBONED?” Nathan asked, emphasizing the word “boned”.

“For god’s sake….” I said and laughed drily. “I think he is too much of a gentleman to “hiddlebone” me after the first date”

“So there is going to be a second date?” Nathan said hopefully.

“You never know… He was nice and all, maybe a bit too nice. Some of it must just be a façade. He seems very intelligent and passionate of what he does. And he loves Cecelia’s place.”

“Mira, maybe you just need to be a bit more trusting. It sounds like he is perfect for you”, Nathan said, surprisingly seriously. “And you really need to give room for another guy in your life. I know I am awesome and everything, but I cannot always be there for you, not in every way possible”, I said, with a hint of smile on his lips.

“Nathan, go home!” I said and left the kitchen, turning the lights out. He would find his own way out. 

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