Lets Go Away

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Carmen's POV

I arrive home to see Damon choking Katherine and who is trying to pretend that she's Elena. I lean against the wall enjoying the show. But also wondering how she got out of the tomb? Papa Elijah would of not released her willingly. Which means he's been daggered, but why wasn't I told? I tune back into the present to see Stefan had entered the room.

"What the hell's going on here?" Stefan demands. Damon lets go of Katherine as they both look at Stefan.

"I don't know, you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" she asks.

"Not" I say and rush over snapping her neck. "Man that felt good" I state smirking. As the real Elena appears. "Hey Elena, your evil twin is back" I tell her and turn to my brothers. "Now where is Elijah? He would of not let her out" I state pointing at the unconscious Katherine. "So that means he's daggered somewhere, now where is he?" I demand.

"Sorry, can't say" Damon states.

"I will find him" I sneer.

"Why do you care about him anyway?" Stefan asks me.

"Not telling, if you both are keeping secrets. So will I" I tell them. I start to leave and stop & turn back to them. "Little tip, when in doubt about which doppelganger is which. Listen for a heart" I sneer and race out of the house. I go to the Lockwood house and hug Aiden.

"Whoa, you ok?" he asks me.

"Just need my loving boyfriend" I tell him.

"Let me guess, Damon and Stefan did something" he says.

"You're right, they daggered Elijah freeing Katherine from the tomb. And I have no idea where Elijah is, so I can't undagger him" I state.

"Well I have an idea of something that could cheer you up" he tells me smiling.

"What sort of idea?" I ask him. He smirks and goes over to his bag and pulls out a envelope to me. I look at him and open it to see two plane tickets to New York. "Are you serious?" I ask him excited. I hadn't been to New York in years.

"Yes, and they are open ended tickets. So we can leave whenever we want and return whenever we want. As long as it's within this year" he states.

"Can we go tonight?" I ask him.

"If that's what you want" he states. I kiss him happily.

"I'll get us a hotel and you check flights. Talk to you soon" I tell him and leave. I race back him and search for a hotel room. I decide to book us into Country Inn & Suites New York City at Queens. Only $89 a night. I then start to pack my bags and hear a commotion downstairs.

I go downstairs and head for the basement. But can't seem to get past the threshold and curse. Bonnie, so this must be where they have Elijah. Well at least he's safe here. I extend my hearing range to hear what's going on downstairs. "What are you doing?!" Stefan yells and I hear a flame thrower.

"Some kind of crazy ass psychic witch attack! Get over there and do something about it. Go!" Damon yells. I step aside as Stefan races up the stairs and past me. So the Martins are trying to wake Elijah, good luck. They'll need it going against my brothers and Katherine.

I return to my room and continue packing. I have just finished when Damon appears. "What are you doing?" he asks me.

"Elijah still daggered?" I ask him.

"Yes" he states. I get a text from Aiden. Out plane leaves in two hours. "So why is your case packed?" he asks me.

"I am going away with my boyfriend, as you don't need me here and clearly don't trust me" I state.

"You don't have to leave Carmen" he tells me.

"I need sometime for myself and Aiden booked us a holiday. Don't worry when Klaus appears, I'll be back. Until then I am going to be spending time with my boyfriend" I tell him.

"I can snap your neck and make so you can't leave this house" he tells me.

"Then I'd hate you and Stefan, you don't want that" I state. "Protect Elena, make sure nothing happens to Elijah and keep Carol Lockwood calm" I tell him. Before grabbing my bag and leaving. I arrive at the Lockwood Mansion to see Aiden putting a suitcase and carry on in  a boot of a taxi. I do the same with my things before greeting him.

"All packed?" he asks me.

"Yep, lets go" I tell him. We get into the car and the driver takes off. "So what have you told your mum?" I ask him.

"She thinks we're going to the Lockwood Mountain Cabin for the weekend" he states.

"We'll be gone longer then the weekend" I tell him.

"True, but she doesn't know that yet" he states and kisses me. We make small talk on the way to the airport. When we arrive we thank the driver and put our luggage on a trolley. We get our luggage tags and go through security & customs. Then we had something to ate and drink. Before waiting for our plane. When it arrives we board and soon we're off to New York.


Picture above of Damon choking Katherine and picture on the external link of the suite Carmen booked in New York.

Carmen and Aiden will return in Last Day after Carol Lockwood falls down the stairs. But there will be a chapter of their time in New York.

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