Elijah Meets Aiden

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Carmen's POV

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Carmen's POV

"Katherine drives me insane" I tell Aiden as we walk through the forest.

"What she do now? Isn't she locked in the tomb?" he asks me.

"She is and my brothers decided we had to see her yesterday" I tell him As I remember the meeting.


"I had to come why?" I ask my brothers as they open the door to the tomb. Neither answers. Stefan and Damon lean against the frame of the entrance, waiting for Katherine, who comes around the corner, looking hungry. "You look wrecked" I comment.

"Please...come on in. There's plenty of room for all of us" she tells us.

"I'd rather poke my eyes out" Damon tells her and I agree with him silently.

"Mmm, they're such pretty eyes" she says.

"We're here for the moonstone" Stefan tells her.

"Wanna toss it over?" Damon asks her.

"Tell you what, you get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want" Katherine tells them.

"I thought you liked it in here" I say smirking.

"Nice and safe where Klaus can't get to you" Stefan adds.

"I've had time to reconsider" she tells us.

"Meaning you're hungry" Damon says smirking.

"I'm starving, Damon. And dirty. But above all, I'm bored" she explains. As she got closer to the entrance, stumbling and grasping at the wall as she does so. "At least running from Klaus wasn't boring - so here's the deal: you get me out of here, you get the moonstone and I'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever" she offers. "Let me know what you decide" she says and walks back into the tomb.

(End of Flashback)

"What's so important about the moonstone?" Aiden asks me confused.

"Something to do with the curse on werewolves and vampires. Regarding the sun and moon" I say shrugging. "Honestly, I don't care. No vampire can get it without being stuck in the tomb. Argo Elena will be safe from being sacrificed and we can go on with our lives" I tell him.

"I like the sound of that" he says smiling as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Where are you brothers?" he asks curious.

"With Elena, where else would they be?" I ask him.

"I thought you were ok with that" he says confused.

"I thought I was, but I don't know. We're finally acting like a family again after nearly a 150 years. And all they seem to care about is protecting Elena. And I have to help" I tell him.

"How about after the full moon, we go away for a couple of weeks?" he suggests. "No vampires, werewolves, moonstones or curses. Just us" he says and pecks me on the lips.

"I like the sound of that" I tell him smiling.

"Well isn't this sweet" a guy says.

"Papa Elijah!" I cheer and hug him. "Aiden this is the man I was telling you about" I tell Aiden smiling. "Elijah, my boyfriend Aiden" I say as I pull away.

"You're a werewolf" Elijah says eyeing Aiden.

"Yes sir, I triggered my curse saving Carmen and have yet to go through my transformation" Aiden tells him.

"Saving her from what?" Elijah asks confused.

"My uncle told the sheriff about Carmen and her brothers being vampires. The sheriff and her deputies were going to kill them. But Caroline, Elena and I saved them. I killed the deputy torturing Carmen" Aiden explains.

"Not my fondness memory, but it only made me love you even more" I tell him smiling. "He even came with my brothers to save Elena and I from you Papa Elijah" I add.

"I approve, but know if you ever hurt her. I will show you no mercy" he tells Aiden.

"I'd never willingly hurt her, she is the love of my life" Aiden tells him and I blush. "I love you Carmen Salvatore" he tells me.

"I love you Aiden Lockwood" I say as we hug.

"Well I have some business to attend too. Keep her safe Mr Lockwood" Elijah tells Aiden.

"I'll do my best" Aiden assures him. Elijah leaves us in the wood. "That went well" he says.

"That it did" I agree. I get a text from Damon. "I win this time" I tell Aiden smiling as I show him who it's from.

"I forget, what did we bet again?" he asks me.

"Loser pays for drinks" I remind him. I call Damon. "What is it?" I ask him.

"We're getting the moonstone from Katherine, where are you?" he asks me.

"With my boyfriend" I tell him.

"You're always with him" he states.

"Because he doesn't tell me what to do, can't I have a day off Elena duty?" I ask him.

"Fine, we'll get the stone without you. But no sleeping with the dog" he tells me and hangs up. I roll my eyes as I pocket my phone.

"Older brothers are annoying" I tell Aiden.

"I agree" he says. "Another reason I haven't told Tyler, he maybe a dick sometimes. But he can be an over protective older brother" he tells me. "So Grill?" he asks and I nod my head. We go there and he orders for us.

(Time skip)

I was going home after spending the day with Aiden. When I arrive neither of my brothers are home. Which is odd. But I shrug it off and go grab a blood bag. I go to the parlor and start to drink it when Damon arrives home. "Did you get the stone?" I ask him.

"Yes, but Stefan is now stuck in the tomb with Katherine" he states.

"Wasn't Bonnie suppose to lift the spell, you grab the stone and she put it back up " I say.

"Little Gilbert went rogue and Stefan played hero" Damon tells me.

"Typical, so can Bonnie get him out?" I ask him.

"She's focusing on the moonstone, afterwards she'll try get him out" he assures me. "How's your wolf?" he asks me.

"He's good, have you go the chains for his transformation?" I ask him.

"Yes, can't he turn in the Lockwood ruins with the other wolf?" he asks me.

"Because he hasn't told Tyler about triggering his curse and only we know" I tell him. "Besides our cellar will hold him" I add. I finish my blood bag. "See you tomorrow" I say and go to my room. Calling it a night.


Picture above of Elijah and in chapter of Aiden with Carmen.

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