Reunited with Adoptive Father

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Carmen's POV

I wake up beside Elena in a boarded up house with no ring and curse. "Looking for this?" a woman asks holding up my daylight ring.

"Give it back" I say as I stand up.

"Sorry, but I'll be holding onto it until Elijah gets here" she tells me.

"Elijah?" I say remember my journals from 1910s. "Elijah Mikealson?" I ask her.

"Yes" she states.

"Why's Elena here?" I ask her.

"Because she's the doppelganger and together you both will give Trevor & I our freedom" she states. "I'm Rose by the way, Trevor and I are over five hundred years old. So you can't beat us" she tells me.

"Fine, can I have my ring back? I won't leave without Elena and I want to see Elijah anyway" I tell her. She shakes her head and goes to talk to Trevor while I sit back on the couch. Elena soon wakes up and wants to talk to Rose. So I lead her to Rose and Trevor, who are talking about Elijah.

"Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free" Rose tells Trevor. Elena steps on a squeaky floor board announcing our presences to them. "There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house with your young vampire friend, you're tragically wrong. Understand?" she asks Elena.

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asks her.

"He's your worst nightmare" Rose tells her.

"Dramatic much" I say. "I'm gonna go relax, don't do anything stupid Elena" I tell her and leave them. Returning to the room we woke up in. Where I lay on the couch looking up at the ceiling. Elena returns alone and tells me about the originals. How Elijah is one of them and wants her. How her blood is the key to breaking the sun and moon curse. "Don't worry, I'm sure my brothers are on their way" I assure her.

"They are" she says handing me a note. "Bonnie sent it" she tells me. Stefan and Damon are coming for you both. -B

"See, we just have to stall until they get here" I tell her quietly. She nods her head. Rose comes into the room to watch us while Trevor keeps a look out for Elijah.

"So how are things with you and Aiden?" Elena asks me.

"Things are good, but Damon is not thrilled about out relationship. But I won't let him dictate my life, if I did. I'd still be a virgin" I tell her.

"You're not?" she says surprised.

"I'm over a hundred years old Elena. Of course I'm not" I tell her. "But Damon still sees me as that innocent girl from 1864. Stefan does to sometimes. But I'm not that girl anymore and I haven't been for a long time" I state.

"It must of been hard, turning to young" she says.

"It has not been easy, but there was one time I loved being the youngest vampire. I meet this family of vampires, they took me in as one of their own. One of them adopted me as his daughter, he was a better father to me then my biological one ever was" I tell her. Remembering what I'd written in my New Orleans journal. I actually did seem to be happy, happier then I ever thought I could be. They made me happy that I was a vampire.

Before Elena could say anything. Trevor comes into the room looking scared. "He's here! This was a mistake" he tells Rose.

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me" Rose tells him.

"No, he wants me dead Rose" Trevor tells her.

"He wants them more" she assures him nodding to Elena and I. Elena looks at me confused, but I ignore her look. Though I don't know how they know about my connection to the originals. When my brothers don't and I don't remember them.

"I can't do this. You give them to him, he'll have mercy on you. But I need to get out of here" Trevor tells her.

"Hey, what are we?" Rose asks him.

"We're family, forever" Trevor says. Someone knocks on the door. Rose goes to answer it while leaving Trevor with Elena and. She soon returns with Elijah and he looks like the drawing I had done of him. Guess Klaus' lessons paid off after all. He goes to Elena first sniffing her neck.

"Human, impossible" he says pulling away to look into her eyes. "Hello there" he says smiling at her.

"Hello Elijah" I say with my head held high.

"Carmen, your alive" he says shocked.

"Sure am and I'm pissed off" I tell him.

"I swear, I did not know that..." he tries to say.

"Save your apology, I don't need it. I don't remember you or the others. But I do want answers" I tell him.

"You don't remember?" he says looking confused.

"Not a single thing" I tell him. "Are we leaving?" I ask him.

"One last piece of business and we're done" he states turning to Trevor.

"I wouldn't look if I were you Elena" I tell her.

"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry" Trevor tells him.

"Oh no, your apology's not necessary" Elijah tells him.

"Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you" Trevor states.

"Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you and that now I honor. Where was your loyalty?" Elijah asks him.

"I beg for your forgiveness" Trevor tells him.

"So granted" Elijah tells him. Trevor smiles but Elijah smacks Trevor's head clean off his body. Rose cries, while Elena is shocked.

"Told you not to look" I tell her unfazed. "We leaving now?" I ask Elijah as he wipes his hand clean. He nods his head and holds out his now clean hand to Elena.

"Come" he says.

"What about the moonstone?" Elena asks him stepping backwards. Good thinking Elena. Hopefully Damon and Stefan will be here soon.

"What do you know about the moonstone?" Elijah asks her.

"I know you need it and where it is" she tells him. Elijah looks at Rose.

"This is the first I've heard of it" Rose tells him. He looks at me.

"Like I'd tell you where the one thing keeping my brother's girlfriend alive is. I'm not stupid" I tell him. So he rips Elena's necklace off of her neck and compels her to tell him where the stone is.

"It's in the tomb under the church ruins with Katherine" Elena tells him. We hear glass break upstairs and I smirk. My brothers are here. We leave the room heading for the front room. Where Elijah receives a stake in his hand. Stefan grabbed Elena while Damon grabbed Rose. I'm grabbed by Aiden and I smile up at him. Wrapping my arms around his neck.

He takes me out of the house to Damon's car. Covering me in a thick blanket so I don't burn. "How did you convince them to let you come?" I ask him curious.

"Wasn't easy, I had to tell them I'm a wolf. Damon was not happy, but he agreed as it was to save you. But I see a lecture for both of us in the future" he tells me. "You still helping me right?" he asks me.

"Of course" I assure him.

"Tyler also triggered his curse and Caroline is helping him" he tells me.

"No doubt Damon will will lock me up and leave Caroline to deal with both of you" I state.

"Tyler doesn't know I triggered my curse" he tells me. "I was hoping I could use your cellar while he used our families old one" he suggests. Just then the other three join us. We all get into the car and Damon drives us home. Me staying under my thick blanket as Rose disappeared with my daylight ring.


Picture above of Rose and gif on the external link of Elijah killing Trevor.

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