Gloria and Rebekah

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Carmen's POV

So it's been nine weeks since we found Ray and he lead us to his pack. Klaus attempted to turn them all and they went rapid. We had to kill them all. In the process Stefan was bitten by Ray. But Klaus healed him.

Also while we were in the mountains. Damon, Alaric, and Elena appeared. Stefan and I spoke to Damon. While Alaric got Elena back to their cars. Damon gave me Aiden's birthday gift for me . It's a bracelet with a locket with our picture inside it. With our initials  engraved on it. On the card he promised to never stop loving me and that we would be together again one day. Then Damon left with the other two. And that he has a circle locket bracelet with the same photo and engraving.

Other then that my birthday was terrible. Stefan gave me a new journal. Klaus gave me a drawn picture of me with Rudy. No party, no friends, no Damon, no Aiden and no cake. Just a brief stop at a cafe for breakfast.

Anyway we're now in Chicago to see an old witch friend of Klaus'. We stopped just outside Chicago as Rudy had to go to the loo. "Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan" Klaus tells him.

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asks him.

"I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?" Klaus asks him.

"Blacked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur" Stefan tells him. Strange, that's what my memories of New Orleans were like before they were unlocked. Could of an original compelled him in the 20s?

"Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what make it legend" Klaus tells him. "Have you every been here before Carmen?" he asks me.

"Once with my brother Damon" I state. "Rudy is done" I add and get back into the car. They do the same and Klaus drives us to a bar. When I see the sign I recognize it. Damon and I had come here in the early twenties. We summoned Lexi in 1924 so that she could give Stefan a ripper detox.

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asks Stefan.

"I can't believe this place is still here" Stefan tells him. We go into the bar. To see an older Gloria wiping the bar down.

"You got to be kidding me" she says as I let Rudy off his lead.

"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..." Klaus starts to say.

"Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny" she tells him. "That dog had better be house trained Miss Salvatore" she tells me.

"He is, nice to see you again Gloria" I tell her.

"I remember you too" she says looking at Stefan.

"Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be..." Stefan starts to ask.

"Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?" Gloria asks him.

"Gloria's a very powerful witch" Klaus adds.

"I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day" Gloria explains.

"Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar?" Klaus asks.

"Can I have a gin tonic?" I ask hopeful.

"You are technically under age" Gloria tells me.

"Only by appearance, please Gloria?" I plead.

"Oh alright, but only because I'm closed and no one else will know about it" she states.

"One gin tonic Stefan" I tell my brother as I sit at the bar. He rolls his eyes and goes behind the bar to make our drinks. As I listen in on Klaus and Gloria's conversation. Rudy lays at my feet.

"You look ravishing, by the way" Klaus tells Gloria.

"Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels" Gloria tells him.

"So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse" Klaus states.

"Obviously you did something wrong. Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old...We'd have to contact the witch who created it" Gloria tells him.

"Well, that would be the original witch. She's very dead" Klaus tells her.

"I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah" Gloria tells him. Aunt Rebekah? Haven't seen her in nearly a hundred years.

"Rebekah is a bit preoccupied" Klaus tells her. Meaning she has a dagger in her heart.

"She has what I need. Bring her to me" Gloria tells him.

"What is this?" Stefan asks and I notice him holding a photo.

"Well, I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place" Klaus tells him.

"But this is me. With you" Stefan states showing us the picture. It's a picture of Stefan with his arm around Klaus's shoulders in the 1920s. Klaus says nothing and we leave the bar. Gloria agreed to look after Rudy for me. Stefan still holding the photo of him with Klaus. Questioning him about it. I decide to ignore them.

(Time skip to the warehouse)

Klaus opens Rebekah's coffin. "Can I pull it out?" I ask Klaus. As Stefan said he didn't recognize her. I bit back a giggle. Rebekah will not like that.

"Well, don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine" Klaus tells him. "Of course you may dear niece" he tells me. I smile and pull out the dagger. "Any day now, Rebekah. She's being dramatic" he tells us.

"Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?" Stefan asks him.

"Well, you have many useful talents" Klaus tells him. "In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you" he states. Then explains about how Stefan tortured a married man in the twenties. "I was your number one fan" he tells him.

"Why should I believe any of this?" Stefan asks him. Klaus stops in front of a guard man and compels him.

"When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's Bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die" he says.

"Where are you going?" Stefan and I ask Klaus.

"You think I'm lying, Stefan. You and I knew each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you" Klaus tells Stefan.

"How?" I ask him curious.

"We are going to his old apartment. Stay here with Rebekah" he tells me. Before leaving with Stefan. I pout and grumble to myself. I go to Elijah's coffin and open it.

"Hello Papa Elijah, I wish I could undagger you like I did Aunt Rebekah. But Klaus would be angry if I did. It's been months since I was home. I miss everyone in Mystic Falls and I miss you. I feel hopeless. I pray Aunt Rebekah will help Stefan and I break free of Klaus. But I doubt it" I tell him. "I had my hundred fifty ninth birthday, it was dismal" I state.

"Well that won't do" an all to familiar voice says behind me. I turn to see Aunt Rebekah. I rush over and give her a hug. "I thought you were dead Carmen" she says stroking my hair.

"Mikael compelled me to forget you all and to leave town. Nothing more" I tell her. "Elijah had a couple of warlocks free me of it. It was not pleasant" I state.

"I bet it wasn't, now where is Klaus?" she asks me.

"With my brother Stefan, they should be back soon" I tell her.

"Excellent, I plan on stabbing Klaus. Want to help?" she asks me.

"What do I do?" I ask her. She tells me. When the boys returned I pretended to be sleeping. So when Klaus 'woke' me up. I pretended to have no idea of where Rebekah was. She then came out and stabbed him with the dagger he'd used on her. But he didn't even flinch. He told her the reason he woke her and she discovers her necklace missing. Apparently it's what Gloria needed to contact the original witch.


Pictures about of Gloria and Rebekah. Picture on the external link of Carmen and Aiden's bracelets.

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